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It won't die, but coldwater fish have different nutritional needs from tropical fish. It just won't be as healthy as it should be with the proper food.

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Q: If you feed your goldfish tropical fish food will it get sick or die?
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Can goldfish eat tropical fish food?

yesYes, they can. Goldfish can eat tropical fish food my Goldfish loves it! Except catfish need those tablet food they CANNOT eat tropical fish food! hope this helps XD

Is it safe to feed goldfish tropical fish food?

Different species of fish have different food requirements. Tropical Flakes are designed to feed a mix of tropical fish species. Goldfish food is a product that has been produced specifically to supply all the dietary needs of a goldfish. So yes goldfish can eat whatever you give them including Tropical fish food but it will not neccessarilly be doing the fish much good though.

What can you feed goldfish when all you have is tropical fish food?

maby chicken or beef but they do like choclate

How do you feed goldfish?

best to do flake or pellets food feed 3 times a day do how many about 2 or 3 per goldfish not too much. Do tropical or goldfish food to feed goldfish. They need cold water or as warm as tropical fish in degrees. You can put tropical with goldfish.You can put goldfish outside in a pond. WARNING! DON'T PUT TROPICAL IN POND OUTSIDE OR THEY WILL DIE! I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you feed tropical fish food to regular goldfish or crayfish or to your alligator gar that you keep separately?

you can. it will probably not hurt the goldfish ot the others, but it is best when possible to feed fish food that is designed for their specific nutritional needs.

Can you feed a goldfish tropical food?


Can goldfish food kill tropical fish?


Can moquito fish eat goldfish pellets and tropical flakes?

Mosquito fish are not Goldfish. They are tropical livebearers. They may eat the goldfish food but it is not the right food for them and so will not be good for them.

Can you feed goldfish food to any fish?

No, tropical fish live in a different region then goldfish and therefore need different food. Tropical fish live in the tropics (howls of amazement) and goldfish live in cold and temperate areas.

How do you feed tropical fish and goldfish?

generally a special formulated fish food is sprinkled on the top of the water, and the fish will come to the surface and eat. there are also automated feeders for large tanks.

Can betta fish eat goldfish food?

No. But goldfish can eat tropical fish food, like bettas can. Do not feed goldfish any food that is for betta fish only.They can, but shouldn't there isn't enough nutrients in the food to keep goldfish healthy. Try flakes or pellets made specifically for goldfish.Not particularly only if the fighting fish is territorial, if so, quickly take the fighting fish out of the tank

What is Tropical fish flakes?

Tropical fish flakes tend to have more/different contents because they are designed to feed several different species of fish that require a varied diet. Goldfish food is designed for just one species of fish. Since there are both Goldfish food and Tropical food available it is common sense to feed the fish the correct and appropriate foods. The answer therefore is they can and may eat them but they are not the right food for them so eventually the fish will suffer.