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You shouldn't have x-rays when pregnant since they can damage the foetus. However, when the foetus' bone have formed you would be able to see it.

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Q: If you get an x ray can you see a fetus?
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Can you see a fetus on a x ray?

X ray is not allowed to be done. You can see your baby on ultrasonography screen.

Can an x ray show if you are pregnant or not?

Not in the beginning since a x-ray show bones and a fetus needs some months until it has that.

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x-ray fish are called x-ray fish because you can see through them

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No, x ray machine can not see.

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Polydactyly can be diagnosed by external observation, x ray, and fetal sonogram

Why is a sonogram a safer way to view a developing fetus than an X-ray?

Because the strength of the electromagnetic waves from a sonogram are significantly less than the strength of the electromagnetic waves from an X-ray machine, therefore: the waves have less of an impact on the developing cells of the fetus.

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yes, you can see keys with x-ray specs. you can see any item or foe with them in a dungeon.

Animals that have x in them?

An x-ray fish. There is indeed an X-ray fish, you can virtually see its bones.

Why do you think it is important that a pregnant woman always tell her health care provider she is pregnant before receiving any X ray examination?

Yes. The X Ray could cause damage to the fetus.

A chest X-ray and you are 4 wks pregnant?

Contrary to common belief, NO X-ray machine can deliver a single harmful dose to the fetus. With that said, X-ray should be avoided at all times while pregnant, especially during the first few weeks.

How do X-ray glasses work?

X-ray glasses do not work. That's science fiction. There are no X-ray glasses you can wear and see through things.

Can you see chromosomes in x ray?

No it is not possible