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Even though the penalties that are noted in SSA regulations are "scary" and they do include the possibility of incarceration in a federal facility, it seldom happens in cases of misunderstanding. The problem is how exactly was the person entitled or receiving the supplemental benefits? Were the benefits belong to the deceased or the deceased's dependant children? Was the SSA notified of the death of the beneficiary? All these factors and possibly others directly affect what if any action the SSA will take in regards to the issue.

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Q: If you have been collecting SSI through your deceased mother's benefits for a year because you thought you were entitled and never did paperwork can you pay it back without going to jail?
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Yes, if you qualify for survivor benefits from two different people, you can collect the higher of the two benefits. Generally, the SSA will compare all of the benefits you are entitled to and award you the highest benefit.

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You would not be entitled to any of the SSI benefits. For a person to be eligible for any SS benefits of their partner, that person must be legally married to the receipient of such. The child might be entitled to survivor benefits upon the death of the SS beneficiary, but parentage would have to be established and the deceased would have to be qualified for regular SS retirement benefits or SSD not SSI.

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Only if awarded them by the court at the time of the divorce

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If the partners were married the spouse is entitled to a share of the property by law. You can check the laws of intestacy in your state at the related question below. Children or other relatives of the deceased may also be entitled to a share.

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100% unless she getting her s.s check then she will receive the highest paid of the two.. but will not received double dip (getting paid twice)

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The daughter of the deceased generally gets the jewelry.

Is the widow of a late national guardsman entitled to any government benefits?

Perhaps state benefits but not government benefits