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I assume you mean how do you get your name off the car LOAN! The only ways to do that would be to either pay off the loan or have your mom refinance it under just her name (or get someone else to cosign THAT loan)

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Q: If you have cosigned for your mom how can you get your name off of the car?
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you and the party you cosigned have to talk to who you have the note with and they should be able to help you out

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The loan must be paid off or the lender must agree in writing to remove your name from the obligation.

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About the only way to clear your name is for the loan to be paid off. If the car goes to the repo man, you're liability and credit history are still involved.

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The loan has to be "secured" by someone with good credit. Call the lender for their loan qualifications.

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No, BUT the person driving it does and if they fail to do so and the car is totaled then you will both be on the hook to pay off the its something to think about

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IF you can pay it off AFTER it is sold, it will still show as a repo on your credit. BUT if you can payoff then, pay it off NOW and you get to keep the CAR.

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Pay the loan off and then collect payments from the person you cosigned for.

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It would depend if both names are on the title.

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Since your ex-fiance cosigned on the loan, they are just as much obligated to the contract as you are. The only way they could get their name "off the loan" was, as you said, for the original borrower to obtain a new loan, in order pay off the original obligation. If this is not possible, then she is locked into the original contract.

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Can you get him to refinance--and would he qualify??

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You can have another person cosign for that person. As long as your the primary you wont need her to get her off the lease.

How can you get your ex daughter in law's name off of a loan you cosigned and your son's put on?

CALLL the lender and ask. You are not the first person to want to do this. They have guidelines for doing it.