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Well if this is new then you should get it checked out but if you have usually been getting alot of discharge and there is no sign of a yeast infection then it's normal for you. Every woman has atleast two teaspoons of discharge a day but it varies for different women just like the color varies. Sometimes it can be a milky color, chalky white, or even yellow.

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Q: If you have lots of discharge all the time and you are not pregnant?
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If you normally have discharge and am not having it now could that be a sign?

Well, a sign of what? pregnancy? All women have discharge. And I am pregnant right now. And when you are pregnant your discharge increases.

If you are pregnant will you have discharge?

yes you will i am going on three months pregnant now an i havethick white dischargeand cervical discharge,,,, many women get that during pregnancy.

Does watery clear discharge always mean your pregnant?

No! It is not a clear indicator at all that you might be pregnant.

What color should your discharge be if you're pregnant and should you be discharging?

none some pregnant girls have infections during pregnancy. Usually if you have discharge while pregnant you just gets loads more of it that is all.

How early in the pregnancy does discharge appear?

I have 2 kids and think I am about 3-4 weeks pregnant I have had the sore nipples and the bloating as well. Every time I had concieved I knew right away and all three times I had this creamy milky white discharge and it came at about 3 weeks pregnant.

Is it normal to discharge when you are 14 weeks pregnant?

An increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy is very common. It should be white or creamy and not blood-stained, itchy or smelly. If it is any of these see your doctor as you might have an infection.

Does a streams discharge change?

All the time.

Could you be pregnant if a female have discharging?

The answer is YES. The discharge could even have the appearance of blood and present itself at very specific intervals. That's why some women don't realize they're pregnant until further along they may have wanted, oops!

Is brown discharge normal after using Metronidazole vaginal gel when pregnant?

Yes even if not pregnant. Its clearing out all the bacteria. Mostly dry blood

10 weeks pregnant clear clumpy discharge what could that be?

Discharge changes throughout pregnancy due to all the hormones going through your body. It's normal.

How long do menstrual cycles last for cocker spaniels?

For female dogs, their "season" lasts three weeks. The first week they may or may not have a discharge. During the second week, usually the week they can become pregnant, they will have a discharge. some females have more of a discharge than others. Then the third week. The discharge subsides, changes color, and/or stops all together. Your female may mate all during this time. This is normal.

Does a streams discharge ever change?

All the time.