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Jogging will tone your legs and other parts of your body and will help you burn fat, but is not a good exercisefor adding muscle mass.

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Q: If you jog 8 miles a week how much muscle will you gain?
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How do you gain 20 pounds of muscle if you weight 155 in 2 months?

That's impossible, if anything would make you gain that amount of muscle it would be steroids. I weigh 240 lbs, 15 % body fat, and I never gained more than 1 pound of muscle in a week (a good week) WITHOUT roids. DO NOT take roids

If you have been running about 15 miles a week for one week is it common to gain some weight at first but eventually start losing weight?

yes the extra weight you gained is just muscle... your legs are burning fat and gaining muscle. you'll lose size in your thighs and whatnot, but the "weight" you're gaining is muscle (which weighs much more than fat). try not to judge your body by the number displayed on the scale. try measuring your thighs once a month or something. i promise they'll get smaller, and then they might actually grow in size a little but they will be toned and firm

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You will gain muscle before you lose any weight. Muscle is heavier than fat so it will probably take awhile to see an actual weight reduction. You may see a couple pounds a week if you continue to use it.

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It gains about 1 pound a week

What is the best and fastest way to gain more muscle?

the best way to gain more muscle is resistance training which is weight lifting. When done consistently (about 30 minutes 4-5 days a week), one can see muscle tone very quickly. Also watching one's diet is just as important.

What is an efficient weight gain plan?

The best and most efficient way to gain weight would be gaining it in muscle. To do this, you need to participate in a workout that is designed to make you gain some muscle. You will also have to eat foods that are nutritional and help in the building of muscles. You will need high frequencies of exercise. If you do it right, you can gain about 1/2 lb of muscles per week.

How much weight should a person loose in a week after doing taebo the entire week but has slow metabolism?

What you have to consider is that the tai bo will increase your metabolism and your muscle mass so while you may gain 1/2 a pound your body will be burning more energy as a unit and your muscles stronger

How much money for car gas per week?

Depends on what the gas price is on the sign and how many miles/gallons you get, and how many miles that you driver per week.

How much should a 15 year old male be running in a week and how much daily?

about 5 miles a week and a half of a mile a day

How does fat build?

Your body burns a certain number of calories per day, based on your body composition (how much muscle and fat you have) and your activity level. When you eat more calories than that number in a given day, your body will do one of two things with the extra calories: it will store them as fat, or it will store them as muscle (actually it does a little of both).Which one depends mostly on the quantity and intensity of exercise you have done within the last two days. However, there is also a biological limit on how much muscle can be gained in a week. No matter how much you train and eat, you will never gain more than a pound of muscle per week, and any leftover calories will go to fat.

How much fat can you loose in a week?

it depends on how much you eat and exercise if you eat chicken wings all week and dont exercise your going to gain but if you eat salad and exercise all week you can loose about 5 to 15

How much basketball do you need to play a week to gain health benefits?

U need to play aleast 4 times a week for 3 hours