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No. Marriage is never grounds for acquiring US citizenship.

Normally, it would speed up the process of becoming a legal permanent resident (that is, getting a visa or "green card"), because CR1/IR1 visas (CR1 is for married less than 2 years, IR1 is for married longer than that) are among the top priority for visas.. And then you'd have to wait three years to apply for naturalization as a US citizen- normally it's five years, but this is lowered if you're married to a citizen.

However the case you ask is unusual because the US citizen spouse is only 16. Normally a US citizen must be at least 18 years old to file a petition for a visa. I'm not sure if a 16 year old would be allowed to do so, even in a case of marriage.

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No. You would have to come to the US on a K1 visa which gives you 90 days to marry. To come on the visa there needs to be a sponsor to prove that you have a means to live and a place to live. You can not work until a green card is issued. The forms you need also have to be filled out by and your sponsor. There is an interview with the American embassy is conducted before you leave your home country. What you suggest is illegal and your sponsor could receive prison time. Even after the marriage the Immigration service conducts interviews to make sure you are in a real marriage and just not a fraud. It is also illegal for a 16 year old to marry without parents permission so even if all the above wasn't true the marriage still might not be valid.

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A citizen who are listed by the Government is commonly know as citizenship A citizen get all the benefits from the country.

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Yes, an American citizen doesnt lose that citizenship when another citizenship is gained.

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Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.Yes, in fact citizenship was mandatory if you wanted to be in the Roman army. If you enlisted and were not a citizen, you were an auxiliary, but you gained citizenship upon your discharge.

Can a US citizen apply for citizenship of India if her husband is a US citizen and he does not want to become an Indian citizen?

She can, but she will have to give up her US citizenship, not a good idea.

If American citizen marries French citizen do they both have duel citizenship?

No. citizenship has to do with where you were born, and where your parents were born. It has nothing to do with marriage.

What are the types of citizenship?

There is one and only category that is US citizen. Through the naturalization process using the USCIS Form N-400 or as citizen by birth to US citizen parent the citizenship can be obtained.The Form N-600 can be used to obtain the US citizenship certificate as proof for citizenship.

What is the compound word of citizen?

The compound word of citizen is "citizenship".

Can you Lose US Citizenship if you Became UK Citizen?

US and UK allow Dual citizenship. A person can be a US citizen and a citizen of UK if he/she desires to. But if a person applies to get naturalized as a citizen of UK when he/she is already a US citizen, then it will lead to losing US citizenship.So a person can have US & UK citizenship as long he/she is not a naturalized citizen of UK.

USA citizen girl marriage Pakistan citizen?

Yes. USA citizen girl marriage Pakistan name is amanat ali

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