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A is married to B. While marriage continues, A marries C.

Question: is the marriage of A to C "legal"?

The marriage of A to C, is bigamous and not a legal marriage. A may be charged with the crime of bigamy which carries with it a penal sanction.

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Q: If you married someone who was already married in the Philippines is your marriage even legal and do you need to get a divorce?
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Can a Filipino tourist in the US get a divorce from his or her spouse to whom he or she got married in the Philippines?

The US courts may grant you a divorce but in the Philippines you would still be married. You will need to get an annulment of your marriage in the Philippines.

Can you get marriage to Germany if you already married in Philippines?

No you can not get married as it would make you guilty of comiting bigamy.

Can you get married in US if you're already married in Italy and just waiting for divorce papers to come?

Nope. You have to wait for that divorce to be final. Marriage is marriage from any country to any country.

What happens if you got married and your wife was still married to her ex thinking she was divorced?

In that case your marriage would be invalid. You are not married. Your wife must obtain a legal divorce to dissolve her first marriage. In the United States you cane only be married to one person at a time. If you are already married you cannot get married again until you get a divorce.In that case your marriage would be invalid. You are not married. Your wife must obtain a legal divorce to dissolve her first marriage. In the United States you cane only be married to one person at a time. If you are already married you cannot get married again until you get a divorce.In that case your marriage would be invalid. You are not married. Your wife must obtain a legal divorce to dissolve her first marriage. In the United States you cane only be married to one person at a time. If you are already married you cannot get married again until you get a divorce.In that case your marriage would be invalid. You are not married. Your wife must obtain a legal divorce to dissolve her first marriage. In the United States you cane only be married to one person at a time. If you are already married you cannot get married again until you get a divorce.

Can you just apply for a divorce in US if you are married in both US and Philippines?

It does not matter how many marriage ceremonies you went through. You only need one divorce.

Your boyfriend has a wife in Mexico and wants to divorce her would a marriage to him be legal in the States?

Have him get a divorce. Don't marry a who is already married. It is going to be trouble for you.

Can you void your first marriage after you have married a second person?

No. Your second marriage is null and void if you were already married. You must have lied on your application for your second marriage license or it would not have been issued. You must obtain a divorce from your spouse and then marry your new spouse.No. Your second marriage is null and void if you were already married. You must have lied on your application for your second marriage license or it would not have been issued. You must obtain a divorce from your spouse and then marry your new spouse.No. Your second marriage is null and void if you were already married. You must have lied on your application for your second marriage license or it would not have been issued. You must obtain a divorce from your spouse and then marry your new spouse.No. Your second marriage is null and void if you were already married. You must have lied on your application for your second marriage license or it would not have been issued. You must obtain a divorce from your spouse and then marry your new spouse.

Can you marry an illegal from the Philippines in the US who is technically still married and awaiting an annulment lottery without her having the annulment paperwork?

It is not legal to marry someone that is already married. Until you have the final divorce decree, you would be breaking the law to obtain a marriage license. Marrying someone who is already married is called bigamy.

Can you get a divorce if living with a man for fourteen years and he is married to another?

a man cannot be married to two women, your marriage is probably already invalid.

How do you divorce someone who is married?

If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.

If my first wife married a man than married me which marriage is legal?

The first marriage is legal. If there is a divorce then, the second marriage is legal. If there isn't a divorce, then it is not legal.

Is unlawfull to remarry same person without a divorce?

It is not unlawful but it would be of no effect. You can arrange a "ceremony" where you reaffirm your marriage vows but it wouldn't be an official marriage. You would not be issued a marriage license if you applied for one because you would have to disclose to the issuing authority that you are already married. Marriage is a civil legal status. Once you're married you are legally married. You can't do it again legally unless you divorce in between marriages.It is not unlawful but it would be of no effect. You can arrange a "ceremony" where you reaffirm your marriage vows but it wouldn't be an official marriage. You would not be issued a marriage license if you applied for one because you would have to disclose to the issuing authority that you are already married. Marriage is a civil legal status. Once you're married you are legally married. You can't do it again legally unless you divorce in between marriages.It is not unlawful but it would be of no effect. You can arrange a "ceremony" where you reaffirm your marriage vows but it wouldn't be an official marriage. You would not be issued a marriage license if you applied for one because you would have to disclose to the issuing authority that you are already married. Marriage is a civil legal status. Once you're married you are legally married. You can't do it again legally unless you divorce in between marriages.It is not unlawful but it would be of no effect. You can arrange a "ceremony" where you reaffirm your marriage vows but it wouldn't be an official marriage. You would not be issued a marriage license if you applied for one because you would have to disclose to the issuing authority that you are already married. Marriage is a civil legal status. Once you're married you are legally married. You can't do it again legally unless you divorce in between marriages.