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please go see your Dr., baby.

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Q: If you pass tissue that is not a blood clot and is more of a grayish pink color is that a miscarriage or just lining of the uterus?
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Related questions

What is the tissue lining the uterus called?

The lining of the uterine cavity is called the "endometrium". It consists of the functional endometrium and the basal endometrium from which the former arises

What is the flow of blood and tissue cells from the uterus call?

The flow of blood and tissue cells from the uterus is called menstruation. During menstruation, the lining of the uterus sheds and is expelled through the vagina. This process is accompanied by the flow of blood, which is a mix of tissue cells, uterine lining, and blood from the ruptured blood vessels in the uterus.

What hormone builds up the endometrial tissue lining in a woman's uterus?


Why does cramping occur in a miscarriage?

The cramping occurs because the uterus attempts to push out the pregnancy tissue.

What does the menstrual discharge consist of?

Menstruation results in the discharge of the uterus lining, consisting of blood and tissue.

Not passing tissue after miscarriage?

It will start to decompose and give you infections and that is why you have to see a doctor when you miscarry and have a D&C, an abortion method where they scrape the uterus.

Can you still have a period then be pregnant?

No, you can't menstruate while pregnant. Menstruation only occurs when the egg released during ovulation isn't fertilised, if it is fertilised then the egg will implant in the uterus lining - if the uterus lining were to shed it would cause miscarriage.

What is a Dilation and Curettage test?

It is a surgical method to clean out a uterus after a miscarriage, to perform an abortion past 9 weeks or to remove tumors. The cervix is dilated and the tool used to scrape the uterus wall is called a Curette.

Is it normal to have cramps after a miscarriage?

Cramps are contractions of the uterus. They can be a normal part of a spontanious or induced miscarriage. However, it is important to have follow up doctor care after a miscarriage to make sure all the tissue is expelled.

Is it possible to have remaining tissue in the uterus after a miscarriage despite a negative pregnancy test and a closed cervix The miscarriage occured 4 weeks ago and test done 4 weeks later by doc.?

If you are concerned, an ultrasound test will confirm the emptiness of the uterus. == Yes, it is possible to have tissue left in your uterus after a miscarriage, this is called retained placenta. You really need to have a doctor confirm this, as a retained placenta could cause death, through hemorraghing or infection.

What are the hormones that are delivered to the lining of the uterus?

hormone that maintains the lining of the uterus?

Is there a pill that will perform a DNC after a miscarriage?

I am so sorry for your loss. There is a pill that will induce a miscarriage for a "missed abortion" or blighted ovum. The pill is called methotrexate and it makes your uterus contract and empty it's contents most times. An actual D&C procedure the doctor goes in and gently scrapes the lining of your uterus and pregnancy tissue out. You can choose either option, it is up to you and you should discuss with your doctor. Good luck.