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If it's the same child[ren], something is wrong - there can be only one court order in effect at any one time. If you're talking about different children or sets of children, both parents/states are equally entitled to whatever support has been ordered.

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Q: If you pay child support in two states who has right to the support first?
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How do i submit a form for back pay child support if im the child but grew up?

Most states do not allow a child to collect back support as an adult. Although the right to child support belongs to the child, support is payable to the custodial parent to assist in the care and upbringing of that child. If the custodial parent did not receive that support, then she (or he) made contributions that should have come from the other parent, and the right to collect the back support belongs to her.

How is it Constitutional to hold a man to child support and not violate his rights?

There is no constitutional right to avoid child support. Federal and State law and regulation give the States wide powers to collect unpaid child support, and for good reason.

If you're receiving medicaid are you obligated to accept child support?

When you sign for state aid of any type, you relinquish the right to claim or not child support, as the obligor in many states is required to provide medical coverage, a provision of child support.

Do I have a legal right to an increase in child support for a newly teenage child?

Several states actually have guidelines for increasing support based on the age of the child and milestones hit. Kansas is one of them. Check you state guidelines.

Does mistresses have the right to ask for a financial support for her child?

In the US, at least, child support is regarded as a right of the child, not the parent. So yes... a child, even an illegitimate one, has a right to the financial support of the parents, and the mother can bring a suit on the behalf of the child.

Can custodial parent receiving public assistance stop child support and arrears?

No. If the state is supporting the mother and child the mother has no right to free the father from his responsibility to support his own children. The state will pursue him for child support.

Do you have to pay child support for a 16 year old who does not go to school and who works?

It would depend on state laws. In most states, if the person getting the child support check no longer suports the child he/she would loss the right to claim money.

Do i have to tell the non-custodial parent that i am moving out of state with our child if he isn't paying child support?

In Most states child support is separate from custody. Even if the non custodial parent is not paying child support he / she can request to visitation. because the parent is in arears does not hinder him / her the right to visit the child. both visitation and support are doen separately. Uunless there was a divorce that stipulates the arangement.

Does your child mom have the right to move in your home with child if they where evicted an you are not married in lew of child support?

She doesn't have the "right" to move in. If you decide to do this in lieu of child support, get a court order that recognizes this arrangement.

How come federal tax refund offset is not on child support payment history?

That is odd. Here in this state Maine it is noted as a child support payment and does go as such on records, when given to the custodial parent for past due child support owed as such a payment to child support and should be a credit towards the child support owed. You need to check with your State Child Support as you did not mention the State you are in. But where it is federal it should be with all states, not just one. But you need to check with the Child Support Enforcement of your state as to why it was not put down as a payment for past due child support and why you were not credited for the amount as of yet. You do have the right to call and ask as the non custodial parent and it is your money that was taken away. So you do have the right to know why.

Does the father have a right to see his child if he pays csa?

Child support and visitation are two separate issues. The father has the right to request a visitation schedule with his child. Visitation is not dependent on paying child support.

Can a mother has the right for support of her child?

A mother is supposed to support her child through high school, as long as the child remains in school. Children are not required to support their parents.