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As long as the bleeding and/or cramps are no worse than a bad period you should be all right. Of course if you are at all worried goto the doctor or emergency department.

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Q: If you were around 4 weeks pregnant when you had a miscarriage should you go to the doctor even though a small sac already came out but you're still bleeding?
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Is cramping and bleeding at 9 weeks normal?

This isn't uncommon. I have known people to have there period throughout their whole pregnancy. But, you should consult a doctor if your concerned

Bleeding when i wipe 6 weeks pregnant?

I also started spotting red blood when I was 6 weeks pregnant and unfortantly it turned out to be a miscarriage. If the bleeding continues you should go to the ER and have it checked out. With me it started as a ting of blood and progressed to being bloody like a period. I also had cramping. Around 6 weeks is a common time to experience a miscarriage. 1 in 5 pregnancy result in a miscarriage so it is more common then thought. Hopefully things will work out for you but remember if it does turn out to be a miscarriage it doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you because unfortantly it is more common then you might think. Good Luck!

Is it possible to carry around a baby with no heart beat without bleeding?

Yes. A missed miscarriage is one example of this happening

Im 9 weeks with severe cramping and clots with tissue like material sonograhm showed partial miscairrage how long will the pain and bleeding and bloating continue?

If it has not been determined that your miscarriage has already begun then it could be anywhere from 4-6weeks before the miscarriage begins. Usually once you start to bleed and pass tissue its only around 2 weeks from that point before a first trimester miscarriage is complete. From what you have described it sounds like you've already begun the actual miscarriage process. So take heart, it will be over soon. I'm sorry for your loss.

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Can vinegar affect a pregnant person?

No, vinegar is perfectly safe. There's a myth going around it causes miscarriage but it's not true.

You were 6 weeks pregnant when a miscarriage occurred you would like to get pregnant again how safe is it to get pregnant with in a months time?

It may depend on the reason for the miscarriage and how far into the pregnancy she was. There is no reason not to start trying again right away, after a very early miscarriage - with your doctor's OK.

Can you be pregnant but have continuous bleeding early on. I am 7 weeks pregnant and have been lightly bleeding since week 5. I had an emergency scan last week and baby is fine. But why?

It is probably from implantation bleeding which occurs around 2 weeks after ovulation. Which is light and noticeable around week 4 (cause most don't know they're pregnant and are looking for their period) If it is brown, it is not fresh blood. You have no need to worry unless it becomes heavy and red w/ clots. I had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago so I know what to look for. You may also have cramps; I did not. But the bleeding was heavier than my normal period. But like I said you have nothing to worry about unless you are in pain or the blood is red and/or heavy. BTW Congratulations and I'm sure everything is fine :)

You have been pregnant for 4 weeks had blackish minimal bleeding from 2 days ago lasted for 1 hour now having closed cervix and dry and there is no bleeding at all what is the blackish bleeding?

This sounds a lot like implantation bleeding. While an EPT has detected hcg levels in your urine, indicating pregnancy, it usually takes between 6-14 days for the embryo to implant in your uterus. For many women, they mistake it for their period/ miscarriage (if you already know you are pregnant). I have had 2 miscarriages and the bleeding was heavy, bright red and accompanied by clots and cramps. I am pregnant again (8 weeks) and this time I had implantation bleeding right around my period time (approx 4 weeks). It was dark and minimal, lasting only about 30 mins. I just had my first fetal ultrasound and I have a healthy baby with a heartbeat! So don't worry too much. The only thing you can do at this point is wait it out, perhaps take another EPT in a few days or get your hcg levels taken by your doctor, and hope for the best.

Is it dangerous to get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage?

Dangerous for you? No. Dangerous for the pregnancy? Yes. The cervix need to close and the uterus to heal first so you give the pregnancy the best chance you can since almost a third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage whether it's your first or third pregnancy or whether you've had a miscarriage or abortion before or not. Wait around 4 months until trying again.

What are the true signs of a misscarrage in around 4-12 weeks of pregnancy I passed a blood clot almost the size of the palm of my hand and think that I misscarried. can anyone varify this at all?

I just had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I did not feel different then being pregnant, but I started spotting on Wednesday and by Thursday morning I was bleeding like my period. Doctor says it was a chemical pregnancy, which is just a term for a miscarriage before 7 weeks.

You took a pregnancy test it was positive you had light bleeding for 3 or 4 day now you'r have pregnancy symptoms can i still be pregnant even though i had a ultrasound and they didn't find anything?

The thing i don't understand is that you wouldn't get an ultrasound done unless they knew for sure u were pregnant? And when you have a miscarriage ur symptoms go away, and bleeding is normal in pregnancies, however something you should discuss with your doctor. But your pregnant just to early to see on an ultrasound, u cant really see anything until around 7-8 weeks