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If you stop at this stage (without the alcohol), the Gram-negative cells will be invisible since they have lost their crystal violet stain.

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Q: In a gram stain if alcohol is left out what color would a Gram-negative bacterium turn out?
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gram positive Exactly. When doing a gram stain on B. subtilis, this bacterium resists decolorization (keping the first stain and NOT taking on the color of the secondary stain). Therefore, this bacterium is gram (+).

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The answer to whether HIV gram-stain positive or negative is that HIV gram-stain is negative. They retain the light red or pink color after the stain.

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bacterium that doesn't retain violent stain

How is gram staining useful to health care workers?

The gram stain will stain a bacterium then a particular antibiotic might be effective against it. If the gram stain will not stain that particular bacterium, then that particular antibiotic will not be effective against it. Thus a gram negative bacterium like TB requires a different antibiotic than a gram positive bacterium. However, if several have formed a film, it may contain many types and it becomes harder to kill them. That may require a broad based antibiotic.

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Moraxella catarrhalis is a Gram negative bacterium. Thus, after the decolorizer is used, its thin cell wall won't retain the primary stain. The stain is washed away, and Moraxella catarrhalis is colorless.

Why add saffranin?

Saffranin is a " counter stain " . this is also a " basic dye " which is in different color than primary stain ( basic dye crystal violet ) . The purpose counter stain ( saffranin ) is to give the decolourised cells a color , that is different from first one ( crystal violet ). The microbes which are not decolourised by alcohol retains the stain, while the decolourised cell take up the counter stain ( saffranin ).

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The Gram stain

Will isopropyl alcohol stain clothes?

Since isopropyl alcohol is colorless, it's not likely to "stain" clothes.However, if the clothes are not completely colorfast, isopropanol is a pretty good solvent, so it may cause the color to fade in the area touched by it. There's also a distant possibility the dye used could react with the isopropanol in such a way as to cause it to change color, but this isn't likely.

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Rubbing alcohol all over the stain

How do you color?

You can get color from dye, paint, or stain.

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What are counterstains?

A stain of a contrasting color used to color the components in a microscopic specimen that are not made visible by the principal stain.