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Q: In the 1920 Vienna physician Manfred Sakel treated drug addiction by deliberating inducing comas through overdoses of what diabetes-treating drug?
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What is an addictionologist?

An addictionologist is a physician whose study is addictionology, the study and treatment of addiction.

How you can stop drug addiction?

The first step is to decide to quit. However, consult your physician for guidance.

How do you beat cocaine addiction?

Usually people cannot beat an addiction to cocaine by themselves or on their own. Normally people with a cocaine addiction need to seek professional help. If you're interested in knowing of a treatment center ask you physician for further guidance.

Where can you get treatment for pcp addiction?

It depends where you live. I would recommend a treatment center. Ask you physician for further guidance.

How does an addiction psychiatrist help?

Addiction psychiatry is a newer subspeciality of psychiatry designed to treat the many symptoms and behaviors of the addict. Addiction treatment differs greatly from many other forms of psychiatric illnesses and therefore requires a physician who specializes in the precise treatment of the addict.

If someone was recovering from an alcohol addiction what services are available to them?

Alcohol addiction being a disease, one may follow-up on their condition with their physician, enroll in a stop-drinking program, meet on a regular basis with members of the Alcohol Anonymous association.

Can you get a herbal replacement for diazepan?

Diazepam is highly addictive. Try to get rid of the addiction and avoid this type of drugs through intense exercise with some daily workout/walks in fresh air environment. Otherwise see a physician that can help you fight the addiction.

Where can one find drug rehabilitation centres?

Drug rehabilitation centers assist individuals in recovering from addiction. The best place to locate reputable rehabilitation centers is by asking a physician for recommendations.

Do you tell physician of a drug addiction?

Not unless you want good, competent medical care. Drug addiction and its effects on your body are most likely the most significant things that have happened physically and emotionally in your entire life. How would your doctor treat you properly without knowing that you might react badly to certain drugs, might be prone to addiction to others, might have liver or other damage, etc., might have emotional problems such as depression that were or are being suppressed or altered by the addiction? If you aren't going to level with your doctor, you still have major problems with regard to the addiction, whether or not you're still using.

What drug is only legal if prescribed by a doctor?

In the US, suboxone. Methadone when used for treatment of narcotic addiction also can be prescribed only by a physician. Other medications may be prescribed by any licensed prescriber, based on state law. These prescribers may include nurse practitioners, physician assistants, midwives and others.

Can you die from eating to many vitamins?

Yes you can. It depends on what type of vitamins. Excessive amounts of some vitamins can be dangerous. Yes, you can overdose on vitamins. Vitamin A overdose can harm bones and infants. Such symptoms as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and rash can be found in those with overdoses of vitamins. You really should consult your physician.

Which of these professionals are medical doctors A Doctor of Medicine MD B Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine DO C Psychiatrist MD DO with specialty in Psychiatry or Addiction Medicine?

All of these professionals are medical doctorsA Doctor of Medicine MDB Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine DOC Psychiatrist MD DO with specialty in Psychiatry or Addiction MedicineA psychologist is a Ph.D., not a medical physician.