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Fascism was invented in the late 19th century, but it was founded in France. The idea only arrived in Italy or Spain in the early 20th century and only had strong political influence in the 1920s (in Italy) and the 1930s (in Spain).

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Q: In what century did fascism spread to Italy and Spain?
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What two nations practiced fascism?

Italy and Spain

Where was fascism practiced?

Fascism was practiced in Italy

What is fascism and where did it appear in Europe between the world wars?

Fascism first appeared in Italy during the 20's. Benito Mussilini was the first Facist leader of note.Fascism is a right-wing form of government that is based on nationalism. It was created in Italy and spread to Germany and Spain (although Spain's fascism isn't usually compared to Italy and Germany).

What was a key factor that aided the spread of fascism throughout Spain during its civil war?

Fascism in Spain "spread" through conquest, so General Francisco Franco's ability to mobilize large numbers of soldiers strategically against his Republicanist adversaries was critical in spreading fascism in Spain. Franco's troops both came from the Spanish legions in Morocco and from the assistance of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy that sent weapons and troops to aid Franco's Nationalists.

How did Germany's and itlays involvement affect the out come of the dpanish civil war?

Germany and Italy wanted Fascism to spread and since Francisco Franco was leader of the Falangists (Spanish Fascists) and was trying to spread it.So they basically supplied the Spanish Falangists with weapons and such. After Franco became dictator of Spain, he didn't let Spain join WWII and remained neutral. In summary, the two countries led to the victory of Fascism in Spain.

Was Spain an ally during World War 2?

NOGermany and Italy wanted Fascism to spread and since Francisco Franco was leader of the Falangists (Spanish Fascists) and was trying to spread it.So they basically supplied the Spanish Falangists with weapons and such. After Franco became dictator of Spain, he didn't let Spain join WWII and remained neutral.

What countries and person were involved in the civil war Spain?

Germany and Italy wanted Fascism to spread and since Francisco Franco was leader of the Falangists (Spanish Fascists) and was trying to spread it.So they basically supplied the Spanish Falangists with weapons and such. After Franco became dictator of Spain, he didn't let Spain join WWII and remained neutral.

When did Fascism appear?

Italy, during the 1920s. It soon spread, and throughout the 1930s and 1940s several countries adopted their own unique forms of it (Such as National Socialism in Germany and Falangism in Spain).

Which country helped Franco?

Germany and Italy wanted Fascism to spread and since Francisco Franco was leader of the Falangists (Spanish Fascists) and was trying to spread it.So they basically supplied the Spanish Falangists with weapons and such. After Franco became dictator of Spain, he didn't let Spain join WWII and remained neutral.

Which countries in Europe embraced this political doctrine of fascism?

Fascism started in Italy and then spread to Germany, where it was more effective. Romania and Hungary also adopted fascism, and Spain underwent civil war that resulted in a fascist government. Croatia also held a puppet fascist government. Many other countries, such as Portugal, held a military dictatorship that acted somewhat like fascism.

What was a key factor that aided the spread of fascism thoughut Spain during its civil war?

Fascism in Spain "spread" through conquest, so General Francisco Franco's ability to mobilize large numbers of soldiers strategically against his Republicanist adversaries was critical in spreading fascism in Spain. Franco's troops both came from the Spanish legions in Morocco and from the assistance of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy that sent weapons and troops to aid Franco's Nationalists.

Who did germany support in the spanish civil war?

Germany (and Italy) wanted Fascism to spread and since Francisco Franco was leader of the Falangists (Spanish Fascists) and was trying to spread it. So they basically supplied the Spanish Falangists with weapons and such. After Franco became dictator of Spain, he didn't let Spain join WWII and remained neutral.