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Polygamy is practiced in every country for many reasons, including religious belief, social norms, and personal desire.

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Q: In what counrties do people practice polygamy?
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Is there polygamy in Michigan since the laws were changed?

Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states. This is a national federal law - no state may legalize polygamy. However, that does not mean that people in Michigan do not practice polygamy (Just like speed limits don't keep people from speeding). Those who do practice polygamy must keep it secret to avoid being caught by the authorities.

How much of the world's population practice polygamy?

Approximately 84% of the world's population live in countries where polygamy is legally recognized or has a cultural acceptance. However, the actual percentage of people practicing polygamy is estimated to be lower, with around 2% to 5% of men worldwide involved in polygamous relationships.

Where is polygamy legal in the US?

no where in the US is it legal to practice polygamy

What states can you practice polygamy?


Do ancient Egyptian practice polygamy?

Polygamy was legal for the Ancient Egyptians. Although polygamy was legal it was generally only practiced by the wealthy the prospect of paying maintenance to several women must have reduced the practice.

What is meant by the term polygamy?

In some cultures, polygamy is the normal practice. Mormons used to practice polygamy. I don't think polygamy would be right for me. Tomas defended polygamy, as having multiple wives suited him. Polygamy is not an accepted practice in mainstream LDS. Polygamy is outlawed in most of the 50 states.

Who practices polygamy?

Polygamy is practiced by many different groups worldwide. It is a common cultural practice in many parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Many Muslims and some Christians practice polygamy as a part of their religion. Polygamy is illegal in the US and most western countries, but many still practice it in secret.

What Islam faiths practice polygamy?


Do Mennonites practice polygamy?

Answer: Since Mennonites follow the teachings of the Christian scriptures, the Bible, they have only one wife, for life.

Do Jehovah witnesses study polygamy?

Study polygamy or practice polygamy? JWs dont do either one :)

Does the Romney clan of Mexico still practice polygamy?

No, the Romney's in Mexico no longer practice polygamy, and have not for about 100 years. They are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has prohibited the practice.