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Dred Scott lived with Dr. Emerson at a military post in Rock Island, Illinois, in 1834.

He also lived in the federal territory of Fort Snelling (now part of Minnesota), which prohibited slavery per the Missouri Compromise of 1820, as well the unincorporated federal Wisconsin Territories, which prohibited slavery per the Northwest Ordinance.

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Q: In which free state and territories did Dred Scott live?
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What did Dred Scott based his claim for freedom on?

Dred Scott based his claim for freedom on the fact that his master had taken him to free states and territories.

What was the issue in the dred Scott case?

He was a slave in a free state

What did Scott base on his claim for freedom on?

Dred Scott based his claim for freedom on the fact that his master had taken him to free states and territories.

What was the name of the slave that lived in a free state and sued for his freedom?

Dred Scott.

What was the consequences of the Dred Scott decision for the enslaved people?

The Dred Scott decision is known as the worst decision ever by the Supreme Court. It said that blacks could not be citizens. Slavery was a decision of the new territories.

Did living in a free state mean a slave was free?

No. The Dred Scott decision basically said all the states of the USA were slave states and a slave in a "free" state was still a slave. The Dred Scott decision helped to lead to the Civil War.

When was the turning point in dred Scotts life?

dred scott attempted to leave the state he lived in which was a slave state and moved to a free slave so he can be "free" but slave is property and cannot be free ,

How did Dred Scott CASE affect the civil war?

The Dred Scott Decision helped lead to the Civil War because it caused fighting between the North and South. The North was angry because people in the north had decided not to allow slavery in their states, and the Dred Scott decision allowed slaves to be brought into their states. The Dred Scott decision basically said that if a slave was brought to a free state they were still a slave because they were property. so even a free state wasn't really free. Most southerners were happy with the decision because it allowed them to take slaves with them to free states and territories and reinforced the idea that slaves had no rights as U.S. citizens. Dred Scott's case caused more trouble between the North and South.

How did the dred scott decision contribute to the growth of sectionalism?

The Dred Scott contributed to sectionalism by allowing slave owners to bring slaves into free states and still be considered property of the owner. This ruling allowed slavery to be expanded into the new territories and free states.

What Supreme Court case deals with the rights of slaves in free territories and concluded that African Americans free or enslaved are not citizens?

The Dred Scott case, 1857

What was the famous US Supreme Court case where a slave sued for freedom?

The famous US Supreme Court case where the slave sued for his freedom was in the Dred Scott case. He was with his master traveling when they traveled into a free state; because they were in a free state, Scott believed he was a free man and sued for his freedom. The court however disagreed, saying that Scott was his masters property and he was not free, even in a free state. This gave people in the south an opportunity to go find their runaway slaves because they were by law, still their property.

Did dred Scott sue for his freedom?

He was taken to the free state of Illinois and lived there for many years.