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yes you can it is easier if it is a compact car you are using i have tried it with a caddilac a cutlass plus a geo metro the metro was the best to use

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Q: In winter there was two big hearts in the snow in my driveway I know that a car can make them by turning round But can you make them on purpose if you are an experienced driver please no mean answer?
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What is the purpose of the steering system?

The purpose of the steering system allows the driver to control the direction of the vehicle by turning the front wheels.

Who is at fault if you hit someone on a bicycle riding illegally on the sidewalk while you are backing out of your driveway?

It is usually the responsibility of the homeowner if a person pulls into a driveway and runs over a bicycle. The homeowner's insurance might also pay for this accident. It might be the driver's fault if the bicycle was not in the driveway at the time or the driver was drinking.

You were driving down a main road driver came out of his driveway and hit your car who is responsible?

The driver travelling in reverse is almost always responsible. In this case, he would have had a duty to ensure the road was clear before backing out of the driveway.

What is the difference in premiums between a new truck driver and an experienced truck driver?

Depends on the specific drivers. It actually is possible that a new driver could be less to ensure than an experienced driver with a bad MVR.

What is a person called that causes an auto accident because they backed out of there driveway?

At fault driver

Driver A making a left hand turn into a driveway off of a two way street and get hit leaving front end damage on driver A's car only side damage on driver B's car who tried to pass who's at fault?

Your question is slightly confusing. If you are saying that driver A was turning left and driver B attempted to pass them on the left then driver B is at fault because it is illegal to pass on the left except in a clearly marked passing zone (in which case as long as driver A had their directional signal on, driver B is still at fault).

Where can a pizza delivery driver park to avoid getting a ticket?

A pizza delivery driver will have to park in a parking spot or driveway to avoid getting a ticket.

Why is car insurance typically more expensive for a new driver compared to that for a more experienced driver?

Car insurance is typically more expensive for a new driver when compared to that for a more experienced driver is due to expertise level difference in handling the vehicle.

Can you be held liable for blocking a driveway and a car hitting your trailer?

It is against the law everywhere to block a driveway, and if you were somehow at fault for your trailer being struck, yes. If you were obstructing the driveway with the trailer and it was hit as someone attempted to exit the drive, BOTH you and the other driver could be charged.

Who is at fault when someone pulls safely on to the road way from their driveway and the person whom hit them was speeding?

anytime someone is backing out of a driveway or parking spot, they are at fault. The other driver will only be sited for speeding.

Can tow truck driver repo vehicle while a person is in it in their driveway?

Yes but he is not allowed to tow the vehicle with a person in it.

When turning left on green if you have a left turn yield on green and the driver across from you has a yield sign and is turning right who has the right of way?

Yes, absolutely. The only exception is if the driver turning right has a yield sign. This is one of the most common mistakes I see in the area I live. Many times, the driver turning right has a yield sign. That would give priority to the driver turning left. However, if the driver turning right has no yield sign, she has the priority. There are so many yield signs in my area that drivers turning left automatically assume they have the right-of-way even if no yield sign is present for the driver turning right.