

Information on foam glue please i need it?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Gorilla brand glue. It's fantastic, but read the directions very carefully

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Q: Information on foam glue please i need it?
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You can find the type of glue you need at the upholstery shop. They will be able to advise you on how to make the repair you need. It will probably be a good idea to use both a foam glue, and some upholstery tape to hold it together.

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Yes, but it would be better to use Elmer's new spray contact cement. -In Walmart now.

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Yes and no. It is very similar to urethane squirt foams like GreatStuff, and such, but it does not have any blowing agents in it. So it will not foam up to fill gaps. But it does bubble and expand a bit as it cures. Glued joints in wood will likely need to be scraped and sanded after the glue dries.

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You need to define the answer. Foam can be confused with bubblly foam (like in the bath, doing the dishes) and then there is Polyurethane foam, what people use as padding for insulation. For Polyurethane foam information, seek out this information from this eHow website:

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We need details on what the mats are for. Under carpet, a table, an upholstery project, etc. etc. since sometimes there is no need. If it is thin and must be glued and a smaller project-there are spray upholstery adhesives in an aerosol can at many better auto parts stores-that will hold it.

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The headliner usually sags because the foam layer between the fabric and the hard shell has deteriorated and allowed the fabric to separate and droop. Unfortunately, the fabric cannot be re-glued to the shell, because the crumbly foam just will not hold the weight of the fabric. You need to remove the shell, scrape off all the old foam, and glue a new piece of headliner fabric onto the whole shell. Headliner fabric can be found in many fabric stores, it is fabric and foam glued together. If you are going to attempt this repair at home, make sure the glue you choose will stand up to the high temperature generated by sitting out in the summer sun.

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