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He lived with his mother , in Hawaii and Indonesia until he was 10. He then was sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents and go to private school in Hawaii. His mother joined them in Hawaii when he was 11 and stayed for 5 years until she went back to Indonesia to work.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Yes, his mom's name was Stanley Ann (she preferred to be called Ann), and his dad's name was Barack (Senior). His mom came from Kansas and his dad was born in Africa. Both are deceased: his mom died of cancer in 1995; his dad, who was not in his life very much and who left the family when the future president was a young child, died in a car accident in 1982.

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12y ago

Yes. Ann Dunham was Barack Obama's mother, who died when he was young. After her death, his grandparents raised him in Hawaii, where he was also born.

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11y ago

No longer, she died in 1995, when he was still young.

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15y ago

Yes he did. His parents separated when he was two and divorced later. She died November 7, 1995.

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15y ago

In the strictest sense, because he is a male, he is not a mother. However, he is a father.

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10y ago

Sally Heath.

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Q: Is Barack Obama a mother
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Yes - Barack Obama's mother was born in Kansas.

What race is Barack Obama's mother?

Barack Obama's mother was born in Kansas and was white.

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Who was Barack Obama's mother?

Barack Obama's mother was Stanley Ann Dunham ( November 29, 1942 - November 7, 1995.)

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No. Obama Sr. already had two children back in Kenya when he married Barack's mother.

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president Barack Obama has a kind and and loving sprit like his mother.

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No, Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961. His father was from Kenya, and his mother was from Kansas. Obama's mother did move him to Indonesia from the ages of 6-10 while she lived with her second husband.No, Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

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Is Barack Obama's mother black?

His mother, Ann Dunham, was Caucasian (white). She died of cancer in 1995. It was his father, Barack Obama Senior, who was black.

What is Barack parents names?

President Obama's biological father was Barack Hussein Obama (later known as Barack Obama Senior); his mother was Stanley Anne Dunham Obama (later Anne Dunham Soetoro, after she remarried). His mother rarely if ever used her first name (Stanley) and preferred to be called Anne. The future president was born in Hawaii in 1961.