

Is Israel a bad state

Updated: 8/19/2023
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13y ago

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This is a very ambiguous question. It really depends on where one stands politically. Arguments can be made for Israel being good or bad. However, it is very important to know the true facts before making any judgments or assessments on such a broad topic. It is also important to note that the media is incredibly biased and will only produce the 'news' that will bring in the best profit. Ultimately though, the most important aspect to the Middle-East conflict is not whether a certain country is "good" or "bad," but rather, moving on from any mistakes that have been made and building on them in a productive matter to help usher in an era of peace.

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This is necessarily a contentious question since people typically have strong feelings about Israel and the definition of the word "evil" is nebulous. This answer is split between those who say that Israel is a "good" or "neutral" country and those who believe it to be "evil".

Israel is Not Evil Answers

Answer 1: Humanitarian Aid & Technology

Israel is a key player in providing humanitarian aid and in a region where surrounding countries have despotic rulers who keep the wealth from oil exports while their countries remain poor. Israel has no such resources however remains economically successful because its main export aside from produce and flowers is TECHNOLOGY. You have Israel to thank for the Intel Chip and cellphones for instance, as well as many lifesaving medical technologies.

Answer 2: Justified Self-Defense

No, it is not. Israel is embroiled in a bitter, long-term struggle with the Arab minority within its borders as well as the Arab nations that are its neighbors, which have several times declared war in an attempt to wipe Israel off the map and drive its citizens into the sea.

The Jews who founded Israel considered that they had ample historical ties to the land to found a state there. Meanwhile, the Arabs rejected a two-state solution at the time the country was founded, in 1948. The "occupation" of the land of the indigenous Arabs (now called Palestinians) was exacerbated in 1967, after Israelis won a war for survival and took over the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights. They have since handed over the Gaza Strip to Arab rule, and sporadic peace talks have taken place on other issues, ranging from high-profile meetings (e.g. with Jordan's King Hussein), to secret talks. These efforts at peace have been bumpy, interrupted often by increases in tension - Israeli military crackdowns and checkpoints barring free travel on the one hand, and on the other hand tens of suicide bombings and hundreds of other terror attacks.

Answer 3: Attempt to Survive

No, Israel is not evil. It is a country trying its best to survive and get along with its neighbors.

Answer 4: Human Rights, Qur'anic Rationale, Self-Defense, Palestinian Economy

No. Israel is a good country. People have freedom of speech, faith, and assembly. The police protect the people instead of harassing them. All Israeli citizens have the right to an education and the ability to vote (once they reach the age of 18). There are currently three Israeli-Arab parties in the Israeli Parliament who vocally criticize Israeli policy (as opposed to Iran where the Jewish representative is a puppet only). Whenever Israel is accused of maltreating its Arab minorities or the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, they mount a full-scale inquiry and these inquiries have, on occasion, presented strong indictments of Israeli policy to the Israeli government. The Israeli army is subordinate to the civilian government.

As concerns the Holy Qur'an, it actually proves that the Jews have rights to the land of Israel (5:20-21, 17:100-104, 26:59) and there is no verse that describes Palestinians, the Levant (Bilaad Ash-Sham), or Arab territorial rights to any place in Israel. Jerusalem/Al-Qods is never actually mentioned, although it is alluded to. A wondrous event took place there, but there is certainly no mention of territorial control or ownership of Jerusalem. This is as opposed to Mohammed actively claiming that Arabia belongs to Muslims in various Hadiths.

As concerns the claim of genocide, which some argue Israel is performing, I invite people to go to the Related Question (Is The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict A Genocide), which explains step by step why what Israel is doing in the Palestinian Territories is not genocide. Israel does reserve the right, like all countries to prevent violence being perpetrated against its citizenry. Nobody objects to the Russian quashing of Chechen rebels, the Indonesian quashing of Acehnese, nor the Pakistani quashing of the Balochis (except the members of these particular groups) even though these result in a much higher percentage of civilian casualties. The reason that these are "acceptable" is that there is no dispute that Russia, Indonesia, and Pakistan have a right to self-defense. For some reason, people are not willing to concede that Israel has the same right, even though it is far more liberal socially and politically than Russia, Indonesia, or Pakistan.

As concerns the stifling of Palestinian growth, the West Bank is currently seeing the highest rate of economic growth anywhere in the Middle East (roughly 6% annually) under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority's Salaam Fayyad. New businesses are being developed and opened, and infrastructure is growing; and even though the Occupation is still a major concern, Israel is not preventing these accomplishments. Hamas, and Ismail Haniyeh in particular, prefer to engage in active and passive warfare rather than building a structured economy; and the Palestinians in Gaza have been the unfortunate recipients of what that policy yields.

Israel is Evil answers

Answer 1: Qur'anic Rationale

Yes, Israel is a bad country because Allah did not give them a home land because Allah hates them a lot . so for a home land they are fighting Palestine to rule the country . This is written by Allah in holy Qur'an.

Answer 2: Governments Are Inherently Evil

Of course Israel is an evil country. Not Jews from Israel, mind you - but the country, as represented by its historic, political exercise of force. Granted, Israel is no MORE evil than any other political power group enforcing its will with violence, but come on - "historic claims" are B.S. - its all about power, and the willingness to use force on other, less powerful men. Modern Israelis had no more claim to Israel in 1948(?) than the people living there at the time (arguably much less); they just had more powerful allies; enough power to enforce their will on people with similar emotional ties to the land (but much more recent tenancy).

That being said, Israel certainly has a right to exist, defend herself and her citizens, etc. - its too late to fix the error, too many have flocked there to just pack them all off to where they belong. But its existence will always be complicated enormously by being located in the middle of people that have very good reasons to despise them. There are no easy solutions here - just bitter lessons that should be considered in the course of future choices.

All governments are Evil; they are institutionalized violence & coercion, representing an ever shrinking minority who control an ever growing majority of the worlds resources. As technology allows humans to interact collectively without coercion (Anarchy)then we may finally escape their insidious, destructive control.

Answer 3: Palestinian Economy

Israel is very evil. the "situation" in Palestine is the stunting of progress in all fields of growth from cultural, economic, to population. Israel is absolutely evil as the Gaza Strip and what little remain of the west bank are comparable to the ghettos of Poland. supporting Israel is supporting genocide.

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9y ago

Israel is portrayed as an evil country by some of the media, by many U.N. and E.U. statements, and by much of the Arab and Muslim world. This despite the fact that Israel has better human-rights than any other country in the region (click on the blue text for details).

Israel has been boycotted for decades, and its citizens have suffered from the conflict, yet it continues to be optimistic and it enjoys God's protection.

The presence of the Jews in Israel is questioned by some, despite the Jews' history in and from Israel, and despite God's clear words bestowing Israel to them. Words which are recognized by Islam as well.

Those who condemn Israel for its side in the conflict, fail to condemn the actions of Israel's enemies, no matter how heinous.

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More about Israel

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