

Is Keep the Sabbath holy a ten commandment?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes. Exodus 20:8, " Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (Wikipedia)

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Q: Is Keep the Sabbath holy a ten commandment?
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What is the prohibition in the fourth commandment?

The core idea of the fourth commandment is to keep the Sabbath holy. This is more of a "do" than a "do not", but the rest of the commandment fills in some of the "do nots" to help people fulfill the "do". According to the commandment, the main thing to avoid doing is working on the Sabbath. This prohibition extended to all the members of the family and even guests or "strangers" in your house. The reasoning, which is included in the commandment, is that God made the world in six days, and rested on the seventh, and made it holy, so we should also rest on that day. In the Bible this commandment was taken very seriously, and people were stoned for not following it. Gathering firewood was the first infraction after the Ten Commandments were given on Sinai, and the Sabbath-breaker was stoned for it. There are other similar examples in Scripture, but by Jesus' day, the priests and leaders had invented many additional restrictions to try to keep people from breaking the Sabbath. Jesus attempted to help people understand that these were against God's will. This is why he said things like "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath." He was trying to clarify what the religious leaders had made confusing and unnecessarily complex. It isn't so much about what you shouldn't do as about what you should.

Which of the ten commanments is most challenging for society?

The commandment "Thou shalt not steal" may be one of the most challenging for society, as it requires individuals to respect others' property and rights. Theft can lead to mistrust, conflict, and harm within communities, making it essential for individuals to uphold this commandment for a harmonious society.

What is a scripture passage relevant to the fourth commandment?

We saw that each of the commandments is extremely important and that when a person breaks any one of the Ten Commandments he is guilty of breaking all of them. The Fourth Commandment is found in Exodus 20:8-11: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maid servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." God has instituted a special day of the week on which we are to put aside our secular activities and concern ourselves only with fellowship with Him. The Sabbath day is to be a day of pleasant companionship with God, much like the first Sabbath in the Garden of Eden.

What does the name Sabbath mean?

in our school the word sabbath means that it is a holy obligations that are to kept or practice because it is one of the ten commandments of God.

Which day is the real sabbath?

The real sabbath day according to the Bible is the seventh day of the week (our Saturday). God blessed the seventh day of creation and set it apart for holy use. And He told us to remember and keep the sabbath day holy in the ten commandments. Many Christians believe the sabbath is now Sunday, but the Bible nowhere speaks of any change in the sabbath day. There is no such thing as a "Sunday Sabbath" because the Sabbath [the 7th day] looks back and is a memorial to creation, while Sunday [the 1st day] commemorates the resurrection but also looks ahead to the return of Jesus Christ. They are not the same

Where does the word sabbath day come from?

The phrase "sabbath day"comes from the Bible. Sabbath means "to rest" and the sabbath day was instituted by God during creation week when He created the seventh day and made it a holy day for rest. God also included the sabbath day into the ten commandments.

Why are sabbath fesvtal celebrated?

One of the Ten Commandments is "You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, for on the seventh day of creation, the LORD rested from his work" Therefore, as God rested on the seventh day, so shall all people rest on the seventh day. The only activities permitted are study of holy texts, bathing, eating and caring for the ill and young.

Why Mormons don't shop on Sundays?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe in following the Ten Commandments given by God to the prophet Moses. One of these commandments is to keep the Sabbath Day holy. Mormons believe that Sunday is the Sabbath Day. In order to keep the Sabbath Day holy, we should avoid work or seeking entertainment. The day should be spent in worship and in spending quality time with family. Mormons try to avoid shopping on Sunday because it can be considered seeking entertainment and also because it means someone else must work, therefore making that person break the commandment. Most Mormons are okay with going to the store on Sunday only in event of an emergency, such as needing medication. See the "Related Links" below to learn more about what Mormons believe about the Sabbath.

Why is the sabbath important to some christian and Jewish people?

Sabbath is a special day that God set apart right at the creation of the world. (See Genesis 2:2-3) God made it a holy day; a time to rest from the busy activities of the week, and to worship Him. God reinforced the importance of observing the Sabbath by making it one of the Ten Commandments. (See Exodus 20:8-10) The Jews and some Christians believe that God's holy law (the Ten Commandments) is unchangeable and it is still important to obey. (See Deuteronomy 11:26-28 and John 14:15) This is why they keep the Sabbath. Sabbath is a delightful time. Those who observe it according to Scripture do no business during those 24 hours. It is a weekly holiday. The time is used to learn more about God and grow closer to Him, and also to enjoy nature, friends and family. If you would like more information on why some Christians keep the Sabbath, visit

Who was the ten commandment built for?

the ten commandments was for the people who believed in god.

Will you go to hell if you don't obey all Ten Commandments?

Not necessarily. For example, the fourth Commandment says to do no work on the Sabbath, nor to require or request others to do so or even allow an animal to do so, and is almost never honoured. Everyone who catches a train or bus, who buys a hamburger or even crosses the road at automatic traffic lights on the Sabbath is in some way breaking this commandment. No doubt, so is everyone who eats food harvested on the Sabbath, unless they check carefully when harvesting took place! Heaven would be a very empty place if this commandment had to be obeyed. The tenth Commandment, among other things, requires us not to covet our neighbour's slaves (manservants and maidservants), but this is one commandment I would willingly break if I found my neighbour holding slaves. In any case, it may well be that there is no heaven and no hell.

Why does World Mission Society church of God keep the Sabbath?

The World Mission Society Church of God keeps the Sabbath because they believe it is a commandment from God in the Bible. They interpret the Sabbath as being Saturday, the seventh day of the week, and consider it important for spiritual growth and worship. They follow this practice to honor God and live according to their interpretation of biblical teachings.