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I believe it is a issue of the state of the soul. The refusal to be repentant to God and others they have harmed feeds the beast that grows in the N's mind and heart. They are empty and void of anything but love for self. Even the love they have for their children or mate is nothing more than a supply source. This is not a mental disorder, it is a soul disorder that can only be helped by the N repenting and allowing God to change them. Since the N must admit fault and set God above them , salvation is almost impossible unless God brings them to a place where he is all they have left. In order to help this person, you must set them free, pray for them and then move on with your life. Even if this person seems to have made a change, it may well be short lived because the temptation to exhault themself above you will be there every moment they live. It is a long , painful recovery and if you are reading this and have came to this site for help, you will not be the one that can help the person recover. It will open old wounds for both of you. Move on ..

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Q: Is Narcissistic behavior learned or passed down through generations of dysfunctional families or is it a mental disorder?
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What is the disease called when you do not have sweat glands?

Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia is a genetic disorder characterized by dysfunctional or absent sweat glands.

What are the essential features of Asperger's disorder?

The essential features of Asperger's disorder are severe social interaction impairment and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior and activities. It is similar to autism.

What is the crucial drawback in using family studies to try to determine the risk of a genetic disorder among relatives sharing a household?

Lack of information about other family members, especially from previous generations because of deceased family members, who obviously cannot provide information about past manifestations of the disorder.

What is the meaning of the term pathogenic family in family therapy?

The term comes from the meaning of the two root words that make up the compound word: Pathos and Genesis. Pathos, means illness or disorder in this context and genesis means creation. So a pathogenic family is one that causes or encourages the development of mental disorder in its members. Pathogenic is similar to the everyday language phrase of "a dysfunctional family".-D

How can a parent learn the risks of having a child with a genetic disorder?

A parent can learn the risks of having a child with a genetic disorder by looking at their own history. A genetic disorder is... da da da da! Genetic! so the traits of this disorder would be passed down through the generations. If both parents have family members with the trait or if the disorder is a dominant trait then there is a high chance of the disorder being passed down to the child. If the trait is recessive and only one parent has the genetic disorder in their family history then there are some pretty low chances of it being passed along to the child. Even if the trait is recessive, if both parents have the diorder in their history then there is about a 50% chance of the child having the disorder.

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Not all mental abusers are. A narcissist is someone who suffers from a specific personality disorder called "Narcissistic Personality Disorder." This disorder is relatively rare. Not all abusers suffer from the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) - although many of them have narcissistic traits.

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It depends on the person. Violent behavior is not necessarily a factor in every case of NPD. Some have anger management problems that could result in violent behavior.

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Some examples of a narcissistic disorder are self-involvement, vanity, and selfishness. A narcissist is always right and they are always protecting their ego.

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Cause pizzia is awlsome

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Not everyone who displays narcissistic traits has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). It's important to distinguish between occasional self-centered behavior and a diagnosable mental health condition. A diagnosis of NPD involves a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy that causes distress or impairment in functioning.

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Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which the person has a larger than necessary sense of self importance and put very little importance on the feelings of others. The recommended treatment for this disorder is therapy, and sometimes medication if there are symptoms such as anxiety or depression present. Hypnosis has not been shown to heal this disorder.

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