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Yes, i guess i mean vegetables are in the food pyramid and I'm thinking it depends on what kind of salad unless it contains veggies. But if you're not getting enough citric like fruits then put fruits like oranges in it.

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Q: Is a serving of salad considered a serving of vegitables?
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Related questions

What is considered a serving of salad?

The proper serving size for leafy veggies is 1 cup, or about the size of the average person's fist.

How much is one serving of salad?

That would depend on the size of and ingredients in the salad.

How many calories in 1 serving of salad?

Depends upon the quantity and type of salad.

What is one serving of potato salad?

½ cup

Will 295 pounds of potato salad feed 500 people?

The normal serving is considered to be 4 ounces. You have twice that amount. You will probably have lots of leftovers!

How many people will five pounds of potato salad feed?

The average serving size is 4 ounces. Five pounds = 80 ounces / 4 = 20

How many calories in capriese salad?

The average serving of caprese salad is about 150-200 calories.

What is the location of a salad plate?

The salad plate is used to serve salad at a meal, reserving the dinner plate for the main course.

How many servings is a bowl of salad?

that is 1 serving.

Will 8 pounds of potato salad be enough to feed 75 people?

Well it does matter if they are kids because if they are kids then they would eat less but if they were adults they would eat moer. If you plan on giving a equal amount then there moght be a chance that you can feed that much to them :)

Does potatao salad have under 300 calories?

No way of telling. It'd depend on the serving size, and on how it's prepared. A really small serving of regular recipe potato salad could have 300 cals, or a mid-sized serving of low-cal, specially prepared potato salad.

Is tomato a fruit or a salad?

You can do. It depends on what kind of salad you are making; e.g a Waldorf salad would not require tomatoes.