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Yes and No.

There is no proper Leninst Government in the Middle East in comparison to the governments of China and Vietnam which are true Leninst governments. A Leninist government is a government where the Single Party effectively rules and all people in the Party are interchangeable because they all represent the Will of the Party and not their own personal beliefs. The leaders of the Party all meet in a Chamber where they vote on policy and then perform it.

In the Middle East, you do have Single Party states such as Ba'athist Syria or formerly Ba'athist Iraq. However, the people of these parties are not interchangeable and may have different ideas about governance. Additionally, the leader of the country (the Assads in Syria and Saddam Hussein in Iraq) has his own unique perspective which the rest of the Party follows rather than having to come to consensus with other party members.

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Q: Is a single party dictatorship a type of government in the middle east?
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