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Q: Is a third trimester ultrasound more accurate then lmp?
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Can your last menstrual period show twenty three weeks but your ultrasound show twenty seven weeks which is more accurate?

ultrasound is more accurate. Measurments of the fetus are made during ultasound that give a more accurate gestational age

You were 16 weeks pregnant your ultrasound said that the baby size was 18 weeks which one should you do by?

The ultrasound dating has excellent and precise estimation of gestation especially if done in the first trimester (first 12 weeks). After 12 weeks, its accuracy goes down. However, compared to dating according to menstrual cycle, the ultrasound would be more accurate.

How accurate is an ultrasound if you do not remember your period?

If you do not remember the date of your last period you can have an ultrasound to determine your due date. More than one ultrasound throughout your pregnancy may be required because ultrasounds are not always accurate. They could be out as little as a couple of days by a matter of weeks.

Is it normal to feel out of breath in early pregnancy?

Yes, but more so in the third trimester

What is the third trimester of a cows pregnancy?

The third trimester of a cow would be days 195 to 285 of a cow's gestation period. This is a critical period of a cow's pregnancy because the calf is growing more in size than it has in the last two trimesters.

When does ultrasound happen?

Usually a doctor wants to see you for the first ultrasound when you're appr. 10-13 weeks pregnant.

How accurate is the ultrasound due date?

They are accurate within 2 or 3 days. But this does not mean that you will have the baby on your due date. Babies can be born any time between 37 and 42 weeks. That is what midwives are taught anyway. With my first my ultrasound said I was due 10 days after my period date but my husband had been away on a trip form the day after conception! Second time around the ultrasound agreed completely, and showed twins. (now 16) == Your last known period date or the date of conception is a better all babies are different & you may have an extrememly large or an extremely small baby for it's gestational age, and when compared against babies in the "norm" the due date could be way off.

What week in pregnancy starts your third trimester?

This means you are twelve weeks pregnant. Women usually show around this time. You will have a beautiful baby.

Had an ultrasound yesterday. LMP was Nov 2 so you should be 7 weeks The ultrasound only showed you being 5 weeks pregnant you are going back next week for another ultrasound Should you be worried?

You have two due accourding to your last period and one accourding to the size of the child on the ultrasound...i think the ultrasound one is more accurate

Is an ultrasound more accurate in dating of pregnancy especially if you do not know your LMP?

Yes, During an ultra sound they measure the length of the baby, the limbs if visible, head circumference etc.. then calculate an expected delivery date. An ultrasound is accurate to within a couple of days if done at 8 weeks. At 20 weeks it is accurate to within a week. After this babies grow at such diffeerent rates that it becomes increasingly less accurate.

If you are pregnant and your blood work says you are further along than your ultrasound which one is more accurate?

Blood work cannot tell you how far along you are as the levels vary so much from pregnancy to pregnancy, go with the ultrasound.

When it says that an ultrasound is most accurate at 12 weeks does that mean gestational age or the time since LMP?

The earlier it is the more accurate it is whether from conception or from LMP, but if you say 12 weeks you mean from LMP.