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Yes, acid rain still is an issue in very polluted cities. Some places in Europe (Florence, Italy...) have major issues with this still since they have all of those old statues sitting out it the open!


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12y ago

Because rain carries hints of acid so really all rain is acid but only when it gets to a certain level of acid does it become dangerous.

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Q: Is acid rain still an issue?
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Why is acid rain not a national issue?

It is However now that we are aware of the causes of acid rain we are far more carefull to avoid it and it has become less of an issue

What are facts about acid rain in Germany?

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Is acid rain over?

No. Acid rain still occurs in many areas.

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No. NaOH is sodium hydroxide, which is a strong base, not an acid, and is not found in rain. Acid rain is rain that is unusually acidic due to the presence of nitric acid (HNO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Acid rain is still mostly water.

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Is acid rain known as nitric acid and sulfuric acid?

Not exactly. Acid rain does contain abnormally high amounts of nitric acid and sulfuric acid, but the concentrations are still very dilute.

Suggest why acid rain is more acidic?

Because it has various chemicals mixed up with the rain in the clouds and when the rain comes down, there are still bits of acid in it.

Conclusion of acid rain?

Acid rain is acid rain.

What is rain acid?

rain with acid

Is acid rain rain with acid?

Yes, Acid rain is rain with higher than normal levels of nitric and sulfuric acid.