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No, it is not good for you. Think about it: there are many unnatural chemicals inside to make it taste as if it is sugar! I would rather just eat real sugar. Even that is better for you (though sugar crystals aren't the healthiest, either) then aspertame. Another fact: Fat free products aren't any better for you then any other food. It isn't the fat that makes you gain weight, (unless it is unnatural fat) it's the calories.

(This is a tip for diabetics!)

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14y ago

Aspertame is a very unhealthy sweetner used instead of sugar (such as Splenda and Sweet and Low) found in diet food and drink such as diet sodas.

Aspertame is an artificial sweetenert

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What bad ingredients are in Trident chewing gum?

the bad ingredient is that there is a chemical that last the taste.

What in diet soda is bad for you?

The aspertame (splenda) is bad for you. It's like an artificial sugar that really isn't good for your body

What is aspert ame?

Aspertame is an artificial sweetenert

What are the names of the currently popular artificial sweeteners?

Nutrasweet, Aspertame

Does splenda make you break out?

Some people i have talked to said that it gave them an upset stomach or headache,Plus anything that has aspertame in it gives you a headache and upset stomach. i hope this helps with your question!good luck,person of the world

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I drink 16oz can of energy drink per day. Would this be an over use of energy drink?

What are the effects of natural sweeteners on the body?

Well for a long time now they have said that aspertame is not good for you. Now that is in a lot of sweeteners like sweet and low whereas a product like splenda is all natural and I haven't been made aware of bad effects from it.

Which mold and fungi that present in yogurt and what proplem they cause?

yogurt has good bacteria in it and don't eat anything sugar free including yogurt that is sugar free because you will get aspertame poisoning. regular yogurt is good as long as it isn't sugar freeProblem is when two things do not agree on something. This is an issue that most of the time can be worked out.

Who delivered the EPA's keynote address at the World environmental conference of Aspertame?

the 1995 environmental conference of aspartame is fake there for it is impossible for someone to deliver the EPA'S keynote address

How much aspertame is in Diet pepsi?

According to their website, an 8 oz diet pepsi contains 118 mg of aspartame. That calculates to 14.75 mg per oz.