

Is bacteria in the food chain?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Is bacteria in the food chain?
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Why is bacteria in the last step of a food chain?

Bacteria is in the last step on a food chain because is a decomposer!!

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Who uses the food chain?

The producers (plants), the consumers (animals) and the decomposers (bacteria) use the food chain.

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What level of a food chain would you find a decomposer?

Bacteria or Fungi?

What kind of organism is found at the end of the food chain?

a Decomposer

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These are usually at the bottom of the food chain?

Plants Which are producers It really depends on the food chain type. The producers could be bacteria or leave or plants.

How does nitrogen enter the food chain?

through special types of bacteria in the soil.

What is an example of a clam's food chain?

sun -> kelp ->bacteria -> clam -> raccoon