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Western cultures have a greater incidence of autoimmune disorders such as Celiac disease simply because our immune systems are not as active as children.

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Q: Is celiac disease more dominant in any one part of the world?
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Where can I find more information about celiac disease?

The best place to find more information about celiac disease is through your doctor. Additional information may be obtained at reputable websites, forums or through friends or acquaintances who have experience with the disease.

What is the disease that can affect excretory system?

There is more than one. Colon Cancer, Celiac Disease, Gastrirtis, Crohn's Disease are a few.

What racial groups are most at risk for celiac disease?

The disorder is more commonly found among white Europeans or in people of European descent. It is very unusual to find celiac disease in African or Asian people.

Are people still suffering from celiac disease today in 2011?

Yes, there has not been a cure discovered for Celiac yet. In fact, more and more people discover that they have Celiac every year. Approximately 1 in 133 people have it, but most aren't diagnosed.

How To Identify Common Symptoms of Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease can produce a variety of symptoms, depending on how severe it is as well as other personal variables. Common symptoms in more severe cases of Celiac include diarrhea and weight loss. In milder cases, symptoms may include fatigue or anemia. There are other symptoms that occur more rarely, and it is also possible to have Celiac without displaying any symptoms.

What treatments can be used to help people with celiac disease?

There is no known cure yet , but it can be treated with a gluten free diet. A gluten free diets requires the person with celiac disease to not eat or consume any products with gluten such as bread, cereal, pizza, etc.

How is celiac disease spread?

The cause of celiac disease, which is an inability to digest gluten, a protein contained in wheat and other grains, is unknown. It is not infectious, but it may be genetic. It is more prevalent in Europeans and families of European descent.

Can one be allergic to gluten but not have celiac disease?

Yes, it's called a gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance. A gluten intolerance is not as serious because it is a non-autoimmune condition and is not as sensitive. Where as with Celiac Disease it is an autoimmune disorder and causes people to be much more sensitive.

What is the best way to get a celiac disease test?

Yes. Children can get Celiac Disease at any age. A child can have Celiakc Disease when there born. Adults and Children and teenagers can get it. Even grandparents. At any age you can get Celiac Disease.

How accurate are blood tests for celiac disease?

No... Not very much at all I have celiac disease and have all my life. I know this because if I eat gluten im sick... if I don't im healthy. I've had a blood test quite a few times and always negative. This is most likely because I've heard that if I'm not eating gluten for 6 weeks or more as my main diet, the reaction won't show up in a blood test. But I cant eat wheat/gluten for 6 weeks or more. I've read on a poster for dining out and celiac disease, that the majority of people with celiac disease or wheat/gluten intolerance are not diagnosed. Hope this helps!

Is celiac disease fatal?

No, celiac disease is not fatal. you have nothing to worry about. I've had celiac disease for 3 years and I'm fine. all you have to do is stay off gluten, or wheat. You have to avoid wheat, rye, barley and any other grain in which the protein gluten is found. Most if not all people with Celiac disease must also avoid gluten by-products like malt that is used in many processed foods. Most every commercially prepared food product has some form of gluten agent in it, so read labels carefully or you may be ingesting gluten without even knowing it. Visit for more info. Actually, it can be fatal. My aunt died from Celiac Disease in 2006.

What kind of diet should a person with celiac disease keep?

A person with celiac disease should avoid foods containing gluten. Fortunately, several manufacturers today are making more and more gluten-free products and your choices are growing. Unless you know they are gluten free, avoid eating breads, wheats and brans.