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The colour is irrelevant, there is iron in most veg and fruits. Mushrooms have high amounts of iron as do spinach and apricots.

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Q: Is iron in dark green and dark yellow vegetables?
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How to prevent high iron in the blood?

To prevent high iron in the blood, avoid foods rich in iron including red meat and dark green vegetables. You would also need to avoid taking vitamins with iron in them.

Food that should include in diet to maintain normal blood count?

Mainly iron rich foods such as meats and dark green leafy vegetables. Also brightly colored vegetables.

What vitamins do green vegetables have that others don't?

green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, C, K, iron and calcium.

Why do you eat green leafy vegetables?

so you could get iron

Are dark leafy vegetables good for you?

Dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of many vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy, such as vitamins A, C, and K, folate, iron and calcium.They are also great sources of fiber.Research suggests that the nutrients found in dark green vegetables may prevent certain types of cancers and promote heart health.Dark green vegetables are also high in fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, K, D, and E.

What is in red meats green leafy vegetables and legumes?

Iron! If you are a vegetarian, eat vegetables and legumes as a replacement.

What foods are iron fortified?

All green leafy vegetables,jaggary,rice,are rich sources of iron

Do I need to have a special diet during periods?

It is usually a good idea to incorporate foods higher in iron when on your period. You are loosing blood and at risk for anemia. Red meats and dark green leafy vegetables can help promote iron.

What foods should one eat when on an iron-rich diet?

There are some foods which are more rich in iron and can help boost the amount of iron in your diet. Some of them include: red meat, egg yolks, dark, leafy green vegetables, dried fruits, mollusks, liver and artichokes.

What kind of food what you eat when you are anemic?

Foods that are rich in iron such as spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, red meats, beans, and certain fish. It should be noted, though, that spinach inhibits the ability of the body to absorb iron from other foods.

Is iron chloride is a compound?

It depends on the viewing angle: by reflected light the crystals appear dark green, but by transmitted light they appear purple. they also change colour depending on whether they are dry crystals (yellow) or have water attached (green).

Do vegetables contain iron?

Yes. A potato, with skin, with a mass of 173 grams of iron, contains about 10% of the RDA. Removing the skin, which reduces the mass to 153 grams of iron, causes all but 3% of the RDA to be lost.