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Q: Is it bad that I am a 20 year old guy and don't want a summer job?
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Is it bad for a 20 year old to not have a summer job?

It's bad for a 20 year old to not have a job. Period.

What do i do. Me and ex dated for about a year and a half. When we broke up he started doing bad things and i dont know what to do because i dont want to come off like i like him more than friends.?

its totally fine to tell him how it is, if he takes it as you want to get back with him, tell him how it is. but dont be mean about it

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If you want this to last.. you dont

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bad, it makes us want things we dont need

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no a b- isn't bad you dont have to repete the year

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3 years isnt bad but it isnt' a good idea because he can try to make her do stuff that she dont' want to do

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Is it a bad idea that I don't want a summer job in the summer of 2012?

no, its okay if you just don't feel ready to start a summer job. whenever you feel ready, you can start having a summer job

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It is only bad to eat meat that isn't fully cooked. It doesn't matter what time of year it is.

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It depends on how bad you did and the school: If you are in the middle of good and bad then maybe nothing will happen. If you did fairly bad then maybe summer school. If you did worst then that then you may be held back a year. But if you did as bad as bad can be then you have to be ready for summer school.

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bad luck i dont now