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Mild painkillers, such as paracetamol or aspirin, can help relieve the pain for some women. However, because some period pain can be caused by an excess of prostaglandins in the uterus, medications which can stop the production of prostaglandins are often very effective in relieving period pain.

These types of medications include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Examples of NSAIDs used for period pain that are available from pharmacists are diclofenac (such as Voltaren), ibuprofen (e.g. Nurofen), mefenamic acid (Ponstan) and naproxen (e.g. Naprogesic). Although you can buy these products without a prescription, it's advisable to discuss with your doctor or pharmacist which medication would suit you best. Stronger painkillers are also available on prescription from your doctor.

One successful treatment is the contraceptive pill, which suppresses ovulation and so causes bleeding to be less painful in some women. This works because the pain of dysmenorrhoea generally only occurs in menstrual cycles in which ovulation (release of an egg) occurs.

For secondary dysmenorrhoea, treatments will vary depending on the nature of the underlying problem.

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Some women need to, it should be safe as long as you are using the medication as directed - at some point you may want to consult your doctor to the cause of your pain. There may be alternative ways to stop the pain like using Birth Control Pills.

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You can take all the common pain killers like paracetamol, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxyn.

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No, it is fine, don't worry about it is normal and the worst bit is stomach aches but you can take pain killers for that.

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Take pain killers.

Can you take pain killers for body pain?

Yes, you can take pain killers in body pain depending upon the condition of your body.If you are having a body pain from workout, then there is no need as the pain will go as soon as your muscles and tissues receovers.If there is any other reason for body pain and the pain is severe, then you can take pain killer but only after the advice of an expert.If you want to buy pain killers online, then you can visit 3Meds and get your medicines delivered at your doorstep.

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Yes taking pain killers can hurt the baby any doctor will tell you that. You can only take pain medicine without acetimenophen.

How do you get rid of back pain during periods?

There are a few ways.. The best way is probably having some pain killers/paracetamol etc. You can also fill up a hot water bottle and have it on your back. But i recommend staying in bed, take some pain killers and just relax.

Is it safe to take narcotic pain killers while taking amoxicillin?

Yes. Answer There is no reason that taking amoxicillin would prevent you from taking any type of pain killers. However, you may have sensitivities to the pain killers that are independent of Antibiotic use. I would advise speaking to the doctor who prescribed you the pain killers if you are concerned.

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That depends. If you take opiate pain killers they may increase each other's effects. I don't think m.j. interacts with most other pain killers. What pain killer(s) is(/are) you using?