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No! It is up to the individual to exercise his/her free speech. People who dislike another people speaking a foreign language are IGNORANT & BIGOTS.

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Q: Is it illegal to speak spanish at the work place in Pennsylvania?
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Is it illegal to speak spanish in a workplace in FL?

It is not illegal to speak Spanish in a workplace. There may be requirements to use a specific language for some transaction, like air traffic control.

Is it illegal to speak spanish in an English workplace in South Carolina?

No, it is not illegal to speak Spanish in an English workplace in South Carolina. However, employers can establish English-only policies if there is a legitimate business reason for doing so, such as safety concerns or ensuring effective communication. Employees cannot be discriminated against based on their language or national origin.

Is it illegal to speak spanish at work in tx?

No. But if you like your job and your employer prefers that you don't, I wouldn't.

Is it illegal to speak Spanish in a Texas workplace?

NO because of the first Amendment which says that we have the freedom of speech

Is it illegal to speak Spanish while in the military?

No, it is not illegal to speak Spanish while in the military. The United States military recognizes the importance of diversity and encourages its service members to use their preferred language when communicating with one another. However, English is the official language for most military operations and commands, so proficiency in English is necessary.

Is it illegal to speak spanish in an English speaking work place?

Employers can require that workers speak English for safety and efficiency reasons, and can reject workers who cannot. Employers cannot punish workers for speaking a non-English language to each other, as long as they speak English to customers.

Is it illegal to speak Spanish in an English workplace in America?

No, it is not illegal to speak Spanish in an English workplace in America. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prohibits discrimination based on national origin or language. Employees have the right to communicate in languages other than English as long as work-related communication requirements are met.

What things can you do if you speak Spanish?

You can speak Spanish.

How do you say Do you get to speak Spanish?

Do you speak spanish

Does david speak Spanish?

David Henrie is best known for starring in the show Wizards of Waverly Place and How I Met Your Mother. He does not speak Spanish. He is a big hockey fan and loves playing it.

Does Henry speak Spanish?

David Henrie is best known for starring in the show Wizards of Waverly Place and How I Met Your Mother. He does not speak Spanish. He is a big hockey fan and loves playing it.

Is it illegal to speak Spanish in a Texas workplace with English speaking workers around?

Some work sites require their employees to speak English only; to prevent confusion on the job. However there is no law in Texas against the speaking of Spanish on or off the job.