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Yes, it is illegal in that state. The state refers to as "Crime Against Nature" and the person can get 15 years in prison if convicted of this crime. It defines as unconstitutional as applied to private, consensual adult behavior.


If accomplished by force, without consent, or with someone incapable of consent, sodomy is a felony in all states in the same way that rape is.

Laws against consensual sodomy were ruled unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable by the US Supreme Court in Lawrence vs Texas on 26 June, 2003, However this only applies to non-commercial consenting adults in private.

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Q: Is it legal to discriminate gay people in Michigan?
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It is illegal to discriminate against a gay person. However, although legally gay people are supposed to be treated equally to non-gay people except for the small legal privileges they get, there are still some people who discriminate against gay people, and as long as they don't do anything bad to the gay people, are allowed to discriminate in groups through the freedom of assembly law. So even though gay people are supposed to be treated equally, in many cases they are not, and there is still a somewhat negative attitude towards gay people in many areas, even in America.

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Gay people can serve in the British Army, and it is illegal to discriminate against them in any way because of their sexuality, It is the same in the US. Laws in other countries vary.

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No. Gay people are legal in all 50 US states.

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# Yes, I do declare Hudson Michigan is very gay...

Should you continue to discriminate against gay people?

Absolutely not. Discrimination of any kind, whether it be against gender, race, ethnicity, creed, background or sexual orientation, is wrong. It can hurt people in many different ways without you realising it. If you find that you discriminate against gay people, it is best to stop straight away. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine how life would be for them.

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Gay people already are normal people. But all people (normal and not-so-normal) have the right to personal safety in public.

Are gay people banned from the British army?

No. Gays and Lesbians can serve in the British Army, and it is illegal to discriminate against them in any way because of their sexuality.

How do you interview a gay person?

Interview for a job? The same way you interview anyone else. As of recently, it is illegal to discriminate if you are gay.

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People from all backgrounds and beliefs discriminate against gay people. Most discrimination is religion-based, but It's not fair to say that all religious people discriminate, because they don't.