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It depends on where the cat moved it, do you consider it safe? But you should never touch a kitten before it's eyes are open, unless you absolutely have to, because they are more prone to diseases when their eyes aren't open yet, talk to your vet and ask if it's a safe place and if not, then ask how you should move them or if you should touch them. It won't kill them but it's good to use precaution.

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13y ago


If you think about it from the cat's perspective for a moment: she went to a great deal of trouble to choose and prepare a place to give birth to her kittens, a place she felt was safe and secure, and then her dumb owners took the baby kittens and put them in a BOX right out in the OPEN where WOLVES and things can find them! They might as well just write "wolf chow" right on the side of it!

The fact that, historically, your spare bedroom (or whatever) has been remarkably wolf-free cannot compete against thousands of years of instinct. The cat's memory may tell it that it's never seen a predator of any sort there, but its instincts tell it that predators are tricky and that it comes from a long line of cats that were smart enough to hide their kittens.

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12y ago

No it isn't, the mother cat doesn't feel the location her kitten is in is safe and protected.

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Q: Is it normal for the mother Cat to move her 3 day old kitten?
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Yes! If a cat starts to create a bond with a young kitten, then they will take on the mother figure. And most mother cats will drag their kittens around. So it is completely normal! :-) Hope I helped!

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A Kittens Tail Moves When The Kitten/Cat. Is Scared Or Angry.

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Because the kitten is unhealthy. Feel sorry for u that your cat has eaten her kitten :(

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take it to the vet and see if the kitten is alright. the vet will explain the rest Accept it as life ... we should nurture it the same as if it were normal ... the mother cat will most likely treat it with just as much compassion as it will for the rest of her litter. This is life!!

Can a kitten live in the same house with an adult cat that is not their mother?

Yes, providing the kitten is fully weaned.

Can you keep kittens with their mother?

Yes. I have a cat that grew up from a kitten in the same house with her mother.

How do you know if a mother cat neglected her kitten?

none of your buisness so leave the mother alone :( p.s its cause of your scent on the kitten the mother think's it is not her's

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Yes. But this will only work sometimes usually if the mother your giving the kitten to has lost one of her own.

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Did you hurt the mom cat by throwing away kitten placentas?

Not really. The mother cat will usually eat the kitten placentas and will, as a result, get back a small amount of the protein she has expended in creating the kittens. But there is nothing special about the placentas, and depriving the mother cat of them will not hurt her.