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It is common not to see the fetal pole until 6 weeks. At 5 weeks you most likely see only a gestational sac and yolk sac.

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Q: Is it odd to not see a fetal pole at 5 weeks?
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Should you see a fetal pole at 5 weeks 1 day?

At 5 weeks 5 days I had no fetal pole detected, just an empty sac. I had the same at 7.0 weeks. However, at 7.5 days a fetal pole and heartbeat could be seen. From talking to friends during the "waiting" time, it appears that most women do not see a fetal pole until about 6 weeks minimum.

If your ultrasound measured 6 weeks 4 days but no fetal pole was seen what are your chances of a miscarriage?

From what I understand, you should see a fetal pole by that time. However, I would go back for another u/s in about a week to see if things have changed or not.

If you are 8 weeks pregnant is it normal for the ultrasound to show the yolk and small fetal pole but you cannot see the heart beat?

no it is not no it is not

How early can you see the placenta on ultra sound?

at about 4 weeks they can sometimes see the gestation sac. by 5 weeks they can usually see the yolk sac. and by 6 weeks you can usually see a fetal pole, sometimes even a heartbeat

Is it normal not to have a fetal heartbeat in 6 weeks of pregnancy butthere is a fetal pole and sac?

My doctor is checking me at 7 weeks because it is usually detectable sometime between 6 1/2 and 7 weeks.

What is visible on an ultrasound at 6 weeks?

At 6 wks pregnant, on ultrasound, you can see the gestational sac ( the home of the baby). Unless you have an endovag ultrasound, then you can see a very small fetal pole and a small heart beat. It is very hard to see anything at that early of pregnancy.

How long before a doctor can see a baby in an ultrasound?

ABout 5 to 6 Weeks, not much there to see really. They are tiny tiny then. God bless

Does Strattera cause fetal position and tics and odd behavior?

See your doctor. Adderall can cause tics, but not Strattera.

Im sure im 5 weeks pregnant not 7 and i had 2 ultrasound they both show sac but no baby is it too early to see the first 1 was at 3 weeks and then at 5 but according to the doctor im 7 weeks?

If you are 7 weeks from your last period, you are seven weeks pregnant, 3 weeks pregnant is before you miss a period and you would not have a scan then. If you are seven weeks and there is no sign of a fetal pole it appears that the embryo may not have developed and you will miscarry soon, I am sorry.

Can you see the baby in the stomach?

You will never be able to see your baby's heartbeat in your stomach. But at around 6 weeks, you can see it in your womb via ultrasound. Usually over 6 weeks it can be heard through a fetal heart monitor too.

Can you see the fetal pole at 7 weeks 3 days?

From my experience, the answer is MAYBE or SOMETIMES. My sister had an u/s at 6.5 weeks and they told her it was a blighted ovum. A sac, but nothing in it. She was so sad, but continued to have pregnancy symptoms, and waited until 9 weeks to have another u/s and that showed that there was a healthy, normal sized baby in there, just wasn't able to be seen for whatever reason at her previous u/s. Sometimes the uterus is tilted, so that the u/s can't view things correctly. Unfortunately, Dr's like you to think they KNOW EVERYTHING, so they rarely tell you that "Everything may be just fine, we may just not be able to see it yet." Check out a website called misdiagnosedmiscarriage. You'll find a lot of information.

Can you see the baby's heartbeat in your stomach?

You will never be able to see your baby's heartbeat in your stomach. But at around 6 weeks, you can see it in your womb via ultrasound. Usually over 6 weeks it can be heard through a fetal heart monitor too.