

Best Answer

yes yes it is son i do it at least twice a week off the west gate helps me think

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Q: Is it possible to crap off a bridge while eating cheeseburgers?
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What happens when you have a bridge and a metallic taste is the bridge causing it?

Yes. Unless, or course, you're eating metal while asking the question.

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I've done a one-handed cart wheel plenty of times, so if I put a banana on my other hand and eat it it is possible. Be careful though.

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27 people died while building the Brooklyn Bridge.

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yes it is illegal to fish out of a vehical while travaling on a bridge in Rhode Island.

Is it harmful to tickle someone while he or she is eating?

Biologically speaking, it won't hurt someone to tickle them while eating. However, there is a risk of choking if you tickle someone while they're eating.

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Is it true that you should not talk while you are eating or drinking?

It is true that you should not talk while you have food in your mouth and it is not really possible to talk while you are taking a drink of a beverage. You may, of course, talk between bites as long as you have swallowed the food.

How do you whistle while eating crackers?

The question is why would you want to whistle while eating crackers? lol.

In what ways is it possible to boost your metabolism while using a diet?

There are numerous amounts of methods to increase your metabolism. Eating breakfast and eating your meals earlier in the day is method that works well. Combined with eating smaller meals and getting plenty of exercise also helps to increase your metabolism.