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Yes you can and they are known as inner methods. You can even delcare an inner class and methods on it. However, if you want your classess accessible from multiple programs (reusability), then you should not use this practice. This type of facility is useful when you know for sure that your class or method is going to be used only once.

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13y ago

This answer uses the term subroutine in place of the language-specific terms function, method, andprocedure.

No, a variable declared in a subroutine is local and can only be accessed from within that subroutine. (A main is a subroutine.) It must be declared outside of all subroutines and thus be global in order to be accessed from more than one subroutine.

However, in scripting languages such as JavaScript, Python, PHP, and Lisp, global variables may be assigned without first being declared.

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13y ago

Just like any other method. The only restriction here is that, the method you are calling must be static. The methods return type doesnt matter


public static void main(String[] args) {


int x = method2();


public static void method1() {



public static int method2() {



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14y ago

Of course it's possible. You need to declare and initialize another form of type (another class) and then call it.

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