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I do it and I'm okay, so you should be fine. Unless I'm some kind of freak otherwise it's perfectly safe to do ab crunches after eating. Of course all those after eating ab crunches could some day come back to haunt me. I could become crippled and have to spend the rest of my life eating out of a tube. I could be in serious danger. The world as we know it could be over!!! Anyway the answer to your question is yes, it is fine to do ab crunches after eating.

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Q: Is it safe to do ab crunches after eating?
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What are some Ab workouts?

Crunches Sit-Ups Leg-Lifts

Is there an exercise that works all your ab muscles?

ab crunches work out your ab muscles.

What is a good alternative for sit ups?

Although if you do them properly ab crunches are safe, there are a number of alternatives such as: alternate leg lifts, joint leg lifts, alternate leg cycles, joint leg cycles, cross crunches, floor crunches, feet to the ceilings, reverse floor crunches, reverse bench crunches, straight-arm pulldowns, hanging leg raises, Swiss ball crunches, weighted Swiss ball crunches, and Swiss ball reverse crunches.

What are the best ab workouts?

Here is what you do in order:Basic crunches: 30 secondsLeft Oblique crunch: 30 secondsRight Oblique crunches: 30 secondsBicycle crunches: 30 secondsFlat crunches: 30 secondsVertical Crunches: 30 secondsReverse crunches: 30 seconds

What is the best exercise to do to improve ab muscles?


Great ab exercises?

crunches and sit ups

If you do 100 ab crunches how many calories you lose?

bout 50

What is the most beneficial six pack ab workout?

The crunches have to be the most benefitial six pack ab workout there is. The crunches work all ab areas except for the the lower abs. Diet is also required to lose the fat so the abs are visible.

Will the Ab Rocket 7892 Abdominal Trainer sculpt my stomach better than basic situps and crunches?

Yes, he Ab Rocket 7892 Abdominal Trainer will sculpt your stomach better than basic situps and crunches.

Are crunches better than using the ab lounger?

No, I was watching TV and they said nothing is better than the ab lounger--NOTHING!! Have fun!

How did the guys from 300 get ripped?

The "spartans" workout out alot. They did massive ab workouts, which is very difficult. They did some crunches and other ab workouts.

How did the guys from 300 get so ripped?

The "spartans" workout out alot. They did massive ab workouts, which is very difficult. They did some crunches and other ab workouts.