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You would be exposing everyone else and many people don't like that. Airlines tend to get a little unhappy with it as well. However, a fever is the body's state of adaptation for an infection, whether it be viral or bacterial. The body knows that the infecting agents cannot survive in an environment of elevated heat, so it begins to raise the body's temperature in an attempt to "burn the sickness out." This can be done on the ground, or at high altitudes, so it is safe to fly with a fever if you feel up to it. The below explaination is for those who don't understand the nature of sickness, and how others are affected by it. A common misnomer is that if you are sick with a fever, you are contagious with some kind of "bug" or "germ" because you "caught it." This is absolutely false. If this were the case, then every time a sick child would go to school, the entire class, without fail, would fall victim to the same unfortunate sickness. Once each child goes home, he then infects his entire household. On and on we go. You are sick because your body's immune system was not able to fully defend itself against that particular "germ" at THAT PARTICULAR TIME. The truth of the matter is that we are constantly exposed to the same "germs" day in and day out. The infectious agent that you are sick with now may be an infectious agent that you've been walking around with for the last three years. We become affected by these agents, when our immune system weakens its defenses to the extend that it can't overpower the agent's influence. If anyone on the airline is immuno-compromised, then they'll be more apt to get sick from ANY bacteria or virus that they come into contact with. This means they can get sick from a "bug" that they received from someone who was HEALTHY.

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