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Some people do only have two days in their cycle, but it mean that you have a very thin uterus lining. That might be a problem if you ever want to have a baby.

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Q: Is it safe to have only two days of menstruation?
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Do 5 days before and after are safe?

The only way to determine what are 'safe days' would be to use Fertility Awareness Method to track your cycles, otherwise you would just be guessing based on the typical or your average cycle; this is Rhythm Method and not a reliable form of birth control as everyone's cycles are different and cycles can change. During a typical cycle the ten days before menstruation would be safe days, this is because a woman will ovulate two weeks before menstruation.

How many days does a woman fertile after her menstruation?

Usually up to two weeks.

Are two week periods normal?

14 days? Menstruation is only suppose to last for not more than 10 days. If it goes beyond that you should go see a doctor. So NO its not normal.

Can a woman get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation. It all depends on her menstrual cycle as to whether she is fertile that day, but it is certainly possible if no birth control is used.

Is it possible to menstruate after two weeks of menstruation?

look I'm a dude but my old girlfriend was told anything over 14 days go get checked out by dr. better safe than sorry. i saw that u posted the question again so i thought i would try to help. most menstruation every 28 days an last 4 to 7 days but can last for 14 then get checked out

Can you have a period for 2 days?

Yes, you can have your period for just two days. Menstruation is normally 5-7 days but shorter periods are normal too.

Is it normal to have menstruation only for two days?

There are such cases but this is not normal.Yes, it is normal!!!!

Is it true that 6 days after menstruation can detect if you are pregnant already?

No, that's not true at all. Six days after menstruation you wouldn't even be pregnant; even if you had ovulated directly after menstruation and the egg had been fertilised, it can still take up to 14 days for the fertilised egg to travel down the fallopian tubes to implant in the uterus. The soonest you can tell if you're pregnant is two weeks after you have sex.

Is it normal to have menstruation two times a month?

menstrual cycle can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 days. Changes from month to month are also normal. So having your menstruation 2 times a month is normal as long as its around 3 weeks apart. If not there may be other disorders.... My menstruation is 21 days apart and can go as short as 3 days and as long as 8 days. there is nothing abnormal about it. Alot of my friends has the same condition :)

What causes you to have a two day menstrual cycle?

You can't have a two day menstrual cycle. A menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle, including ovulation and menstruation, so you can't possibly have a two day menstrual cycle. You may experience two day menstruation, or mid-cycle spotting for two days.

Can it be happend that the menstrual cycle last for 2 days?

The menstrual cycle is the cycle of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and brain that cause ovulation and in turn failing fertilisation causes menstruation. It is not possible for a menstrual cycle to last only two days.

how many days it will take for egg rapture after the 5 days periods?

This depends entierly on the woman's menstrual cycle - ovulation typically occurs two weeks BEFORE menstruation.