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False. A chloride ion is a chlorine atom that has gaineda single electron.

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Q: Is it true or false that chloride ions are chlorine atoms that have lost a single electron?
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What type of atom is in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride has two atoms in the formula unit (NaCl): sodium and chlorine.

How many chloride atoms will magnesium bond?

Magnesium atoms, which form divalent cations, can each bond ionically with two chloride ions, because chlorine atoms form anions with only one negative charge each. ("Chloride atoms" as written in the question do not exist: chlorine atoms form chloride ions by gaining one electron each from less electronegative atoms.)

Why do hydrogen and chloride react?

Hydrogen and Chlorine react so that they're atoms can have a full outer shell with eight electrons. Hydrogen just has to lose an electron and Chlorine just has to gain an electron, so they react and make Hydrogen Chloride.

What happens when a Chlorine atom forms a chloride ion?

When chlorine atoms form chloride ions, they gain one electron, and thus go from having a neutral charge to having a charge of -1.

What Atoms in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride contains sodium and chlorine atoms.

What compounds form single covalent bonds?

Elements in group 17 need one electron to gain a stable electron configuration. Two atoms of the same element or two elements in this family forms compounds with a single covalent bond. Examples are chlorine, bromine or iodine chloride.

What is the model of atoms with charges in chlorine?

Chlorine is an element from group 17. It needs one electron from another atom to obtain the stable electron configuration. In ionic compounds it becomes the chloride ion with -1 charge.

How does a bond form between sodium and chlorine in sodium chloride?

Sodium atoms lose their single valence band electron becoming positive sodium ions. Chlorine atoms gain a single electron filling the empty space in their valence band becoming negative chloride ions. The oppositely charged ions attract each other electrostatically. The ions can readily form a solid cubic crystal held together by this electrostatic charge, but the ions freely disperse in water forming a solution of isolated sodium ions, isolated chloride ions, and water molecules.

How many atoms are there in chlorine for sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) formula unit has one chlorine atom.

Is the octet state achieved in magnesium chloride?

Yes, in magnesium chloride, both the magnesium atom and the two chlorine atoms have complete outer electron shells of eight electrons.

When sodium and chlorine atoms combine what happens to the electrons?

The sodium atom, Na, is ionized, giving it's electron to the chlorine, Cl. Therefore, one electron is transferred from the sodium to the chlorine, forming Na+ and Cl- ions and an ionic bond.

What is the difference among chlorine atoms chlorine molecules and chlorine ions?

A neutral chlorine atom has 7 valence electrons and needs one more valence electron in order to be stable with an octet. A chlorine molecule consists of two chlorine atoms that have formed a covalent bond between them, so that each chlorine atom effectively has an octet of valence electrons, which makes the chlorine atoms stable. A chloride ion is a chlorine atom that has gained an electron, becoming a charged particle with a charge of 1-.