

Is lslam bad

Updated: 11/15/2022
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8y ago

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Almost all religions are good. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are known as Heavenly or Abrahamic religions. Most of the teachings of these religions are the same. The other religions also teach truth, honesty and justice. It is the followers of different religions who don't follow the teachings of their religions, who bring a bad name to religion. You can see by yourself by reading the following characteristics of Islam.

Literally the word 'Islam' means 'peace'. Religiously, it means complete and unconditional surrender to the Will of Almighty Allah (God). Following are some of the beliefs and teachings of Islam: 1. The major beliefs on which the Muslim traditions are based are: Eemaan Mujmal: Translation: I believe in Almighty Allah, as are His beautiful Names and Attributes, I accept all His Commands, I declare from my tongue, and testify by my heart. Eeman Mufassal: Translation: I believe in Almighty Allah. The Angels, all heavenly Books, all Prophets, in the Day of Judgment, and this that Good or Bad Destiny is from Him, and that there will be life after death and then No death (Eternal life in heaven or hell). Belief in Almighty Allah (God): God- Allah is ONE Allah. There is no god but He. He and He alone deserves worship. He is All-Knowing, All-Seeing. All power lies in His Hands. He will punish the sinners and reward the Good. He is Eternal, Unique, and incorporeal. There is nothing like Him. 2. Belief in Angels Created by Almighty God- Allah Karim from light. They are obedient to Allah Karim and carry out His commands. Jews and Christians also believe in Angels. 3. Muslims believe in all heavenly books, including Torah, Zaboor, The Bible, and the last one, which is the Qur'an. 4. Muslims believe in all the Messengers (Prophets; May peace be upon them all) of Almighty Allah, with no distinction among them. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was the last Prophet of Islam, and there was no Prophet after him. 5. Muslims believe in life after death, resurrection and the Day of Judgment. Almighty Allah Karim is the Sole Ruler/Master of that Day. He enjoys the absolute authority to send people to Heaven or Hell. 6. Muslims believe that good and bad Destiny is in the Hands of Almighty Allah. No One can change his destiny. 7. Life hereafter: All the dead will be raised again and judged according to their good or bad deeds. There will be no further death to them. 8. Hell and Heaven (Paradise) 9. Muslims believe that Nobody can take the responsibility of some other person's deeds. 10. All the power of decision making is in the Hands of Almighty Allah, and none else. 11. Muslims must give charity, 2.5% of their annual savings. They should also help the poor and the needy, irrespective of their caste, creed, color or country, because all human beings are the offspring of One couple- Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Eve (AS). 12. Muslims must live a noble, chaste, truthful, honest, just and fair life. 13. Muslims must be kind to all human beings and all creatures of Almighty Allah. 14. It is very unfortunate that most of Muslims don't follow the teachings of Islam. They are notorious for their terrorism, cruelty, dishonesty and injustice. Anyhow, Islam disowns Terrorists, and any unjust and cruel people.

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Islam need not be based on truth to be good, so we need not accept that this or any other religion is true in order for it to be good. The majority of Muslims are good people, just as the majority of Christians or Buddhists are, so to that extent, Islam can be said to be good.

However, Islam is used by a small proportion of Muslims as a cover for evil, with the majority of Muslims appearing to be unwilling to do or say anything constructive about this. Islam is also used to suppress women, while piously saying that women have equal but different status.

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It depends entirely on what we are defining as "Islam".

If we are referring to the world population of 1.6+ billion Muslims, then obviously, no. The vast majority of the world's Muslims are honest, pious, and decent individuals who actively contribute to society and do their best to provide for the well-being of themselves and their communities. They are not bad people.

If we are referring to the theology itself, then we need to delineate between three general categories of Islam: Liberal Islam, Conservative Islam, and Fundamentalist Islam. Liberal Islam is, generally speaking, a positive force for change and development throughout the Islamic World. It advocates for secularism, nuanced interpretation of doctrine, and an application of Islam in concordance with modern understandings of Human Rights. Fundamentalist Islam, is generally speaking, a negative force for regression and human rights abuses throughout the Islamic World. It advocates for violence, inequality, and ossified traditions. Conservative Islam is bad only to the extent that it provides active cover for the fundamentalists. As Expert Dick Harfield notes: Conservative Muslims appear to be unwilling to do or say anything constructive to deal with the evil wrought by the Fundamentalists.

If we are referring to extensions of Islam into politics, these are almost always bad. Islamism and Jihadism, as political ideologies, have been responsible for untold death and suffering throughout the Islamic World. From the more restrictive views in Turkey led by the AKP to the Horror of ISIL in Iraq and Syria, Islamism and Jihadism are evil. However, Liberal Muslims and some Conservative Muslims, like Maajid Nawaz and Mustafa Akyol argue that an Islam divorced from politics is not only possible, but desirable for Islam's sake. If these views of Islam become the majority view, than this issue should evaporate.

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Humans, of all religions, tend to be bad. Hence, their are problems and injustices all over the world, not just in Islamic Nations.

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