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Q: Is not a way that Humus affect the properties of soil?
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How can soil be different?

Soils can be different in many different way. It depends on the amount of humus it has in it, Where the soil came from it's environment, the PH the amount of chemicals there are in that soil also th texture and weight would make different types of soil different from others. Hope that answered your question :)

What is organic matter in soil called?

Organic matter in soil is called humus. It may result from the natural decomposition of dead and decaying objects such as leaves, and organisms such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Or it may result from the human-assisted decomposition of brown, carbon-rich and green, nitrogen-rich compostable materials in compost bins or piles. Either way, humus encourages soil aeration, drainage, fertility and structure. It promotes plant and soil health by the more effective, more efficient access of nutrients and water through sufficient air and water pore spaces. And it discourages soil compaction, erosion and runoff by the more efficacious bank and water holding capabilities that it promotes in soil.

What is soil made of?

Soil is made up of a mixture of organic material and minerals. The organic matter comes from dead plants and many of the minerals come from the rocks underground. These rocks, which are part of the lithosphere, are referred to as bedrock. Because the plants grow on top of the soil and the rocks are found underground, soil is made up of layers.

What makes up soil and how does it affect plant life?

Dirt makes up soil, but the main parts is .. Sunlight, Oxygen, and water. It Doesn't affect plant life in any way

What is interrelationship of plants soil and decomposers in a forest?

Decomposers are the organisms that convert the dead plants and animals into humus. The nutrients released by the decomposers are taken up by the roots of the plants. In this way, the decomposers help in recycling the nutrients. This is how soil, plants and decomposers are interrelated in a forest.

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How do earthworms locate humus enriched soil when soil is infertile and humus is added?

Through their sensitivity detectors and by way of their passage forming movements earthworms [of the Lumbricina suborder] locate the humus enriched areas of otherwise infertile soil. Humus refers to the dark brown, fresh smelling, nutrient rich organic matter in soil. Its formation occurs naturally with the breakdown of dead and decaying animal and plant matter within soil. So earthworms have chemically related senses of where humus is. They can pick humus out from a crowd of competing living and non living dwellers of the underground. Additionally, they're sources of humus themselves through their waste products, which are often nitrogen rich.

How are humus and organic matter related?

organic matter and humus are related because they are darker in a way. and many leaves that fall from forest trees every autumn help form humus. the decaying leaves and plentiful rainfall form thick fertile soil.

How does the presence of humus affect the soil?

[1] The amount of rain and snow fall has an effect on the amount of soil moisture. Too little moisture means stressed soils, soil food web, and plant roots. Too much moisture means waterlogged soils, rot, and bacterial and fungal diseases. [2] The level of heat, humidity, light, and wind has an effect on the rate of soil evapotranspiration rates. High levels, particularly in the absence of protective ground cover, means more moisture lost to soil through high evapotranspiration rates. [3] The amount of organic matter ka humus has an effect on soil drainage, fertility and structure. Low levels of humus means stressed soils lacking in some or more of the 16-17 nutrients whose presence indicates healthy soil. [4] The absemce or presence of slope has an effect on moisture infiltrating and percolating through soil; pooling; or running off. Ground at the downslope of an incline may pool moisture so that soil becomes waterlogged. Ground at the top of an incline may loose moisture to run-off.

What is the difference between humus and parent material?

That humus represents a stage and that organic matter signifies the content is the way in which humus and organic matter are different.Specifically, the term humus indicates that animal and plant remains as well as soil food web cells, products and tissues are broken down as far as they can. The term organic matter identifies cells, products and tissues related to once-living animal and plant organisms. No assumption will be made as to which stage this once-living content is in terms of breaking down.

In what way does the temperature of soil affect the temperature of soil?

If the soil is hot heat rises and the air near and around the soil will rise to affect the other particiles of air.

In what way does the temperature of air affect the temperature of soil?

If the soil is hot heat rises and the air near and around the soil will rise to affect the other particiles of air.

How can soil be different?

Soils can be different in many different way. It depends on the amount of humus it has in it, Where the soil came from it's environment, the PH the amount of chemicals there are in that soil also th texture and weight would make different types of soil different from others. Hope that answered your question :)

What was an affect on the free soil party?

it paved the way for antislavery politics.

Which is not a way that plants affect landforms?

by adding new nutrients to the soil

How many years do bones last underground?

No way of telling, depends on the chemical properties of the soil.

What is organic matter in soil called?

Organic matter in soil is called humus. It may result from the natural decomposition of dead and decaying objects such as leaves, and organisms such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Or it may result from the human-assisted decomposition of brown, carbon-rich and green, nitrogen-rich compostable materials in compost bins or piles. Either way, humus encourages soil aeration, drainage, fertility and structure. It promotes plant and soil health by the more effective, more efficient access of nutrients and water through sufficient air and water pore spaces. And it discourages soil compaction, erosion and runoff by the more efficacious bank and water holding capabilities that it promotes in soil.

What is soil made of?

Soil is made up of a mixture of organic material and minerals. The organic matter comes from dead plants and many of the minerals come from the rocks underground. These rocks, which are part of the lithosphere, are referred to as bedrock. Because the plants grow on top of the soil and the rocks are found underground, soil is made up of layers.