

Best Answer

I wouldn't personally recommend one as a first snake.

You're better off getting something like a corn snake or king snake if you've never kept snakes before.

I'd suggest doing some research at your local library BEFORE getting your first reptile - there's hundreds of books on reptiles which will give you some basic knowledge on caring for a snakes needs.

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Q: Is rosy boas good as beginner snakes?
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Is a rosy boa snake invertebrate or vertebrate?

Like all other snakes, rosy boas are vertebrates.

Are rosy boas poisinous?

i am an expert on snakes and i have to say that is one of the worlds most stupidest questions in the wold no their not poisinous

What do rosy boas and ball pythons have in common?

They both make good pets, they're both snakes, they're both constrictors, they're both predaters, they're both non venomous.

How much are Rosie Boas?

rosy boas live for about 20 years. i am not positive from this....

Do rosy boas climb out of cages?

no they don't

What are the enemies of the rosy boa?

There are several animals that eat rosy boas. These include owls, foxes, roadrunners, and coyotes. Rosy boas are most vulnerable to these animals because the snake is active at night.

Are Rosy Boas Poisonous?

NO ROSEY BOAS ARE NOT VENOMOUS, THEY CONSTRICT TO KILL THEIR PRAY, THEY HAVE BACK CURVED TEETH TO HOLD THEIR PRAY WHILE THEY CONSTRICT, DEPENDING ON THE SIZE WHEN BIG IT WILL BLEED ALOT AT FIRST, BUT THE PUNCTURE WOUNDS ARE VERY SMALL AND WILL NOT HURT AT ALL, CAUSE OF THE SHARPNESS OF THE TEETH, IT MIGHT SWEll a little around the bite marks and itch but that is the silva of the snake soon you will feel nothing.. No, of course not. If they were I doubt Petsmart would carry them. :D They are good snakes but I like Ball Pythons much more.

What is the chances of a rosy boa eating another rosy boa?

Never, if the rosy boa that eats the other will die in a coma.EDIT: Rosy boas are not by any means cannibalistic.

What do snakes in the desert eat?

Depends what snake it is. Groundsnakes with eat crickets whereas rosy boas will eat rodents.

Is it hard caring for a corn snake?

I have two corn snakes, and they are very easy for me to care for. However, I have cared for Carpet Pythons, Reticulated Pythons, Rosy boas, Sand boas, Garter snakes, and many more, so what may be easy for me might not be that easy. Corn snakes are great beginner snakes (a corn was my first snake), but like any pet require commitment. You must clean the water dish every day, have locks on your at least 20 gallon reptile cage, use an appropriate bedding that is changed at least once a month (not cedar or pine, I use aspen or cypress bedding). They require handling to tame them down, and a weekly meal of appropriately sized mice.

What is the most popular pet snake?

The most popular pet snakes on almost all polls and lists the corn snake and ball or royal pythons. Both species are non aggressive, easy to keep and make good pets (with the proper set up). They would be followed by king or milk snakes, hog nose snakes, boa constrictors, carpet pythons and rosy and Kenyan sand boas. improvement/edition: I was told that a good snake for a child such as 10 years of age and up, is a rat snake. I love all snakes! They really fascinate me!

Do boas burrow?

Some do. The sand boa (all subspecies) is a burrower along with Rosy boas and some others. The Red tail boa (which is probably what you're thinking of) is semi arboreal to arboreal and does not burrow.