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It entirely depends on your body weight, body mass, diet plan and stamina. Please specify to get an accurate answer.

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Q: Is running for an hour and bicycling for an hour and a 30 day ab challenge and a 40 day squat challenge to much to do in one day I want to lose a lot of weight?
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Does the 30 day squat challenge work?

The amount of weight you can loose by doing the 30 day squat challenge really depends on your current weight, body structure and how fast your metabolism is. However, many people do not get weight loss results by doing this challenge. Instead, they tend to get stronger and leaner thighs.

Examples of squat variation?

Body weight squat, goblet squat, zombie squat, front squat, and back squat

Will squat thrusts an running on a treadmill help me get from 240 pounds down to 160 pounds?

Doing squat thrusts and running on a treadmill can definitely help you to reach your goal weight of 160. You will also need to focus on eating healthy and drinking a lot of water.

What is the average weight bench and squat for a college linebacker?

you should at least be able to bench body weight, and squat 1.5x body weight. Competitive players bench 2x body weight, and squat 3.5x. -EXSS major

What are two exercises that can be done to improve strength?

Strength in the upper body can be improved by lifting weight or pushups. Strength in the legs can be improved by running, weight training, or exercises such as squat thrusts.

What does RM stand for in weight training?

RM stands for repetition maximum. For example, a 1RM for the squat would consist of the maximum amount of weight that one could squat for 1 rep (repetition). A 5RM squat would be the maximum amount of weight one could squat for 5 reps.

What sport uses squat?

weight training

Why you can you not get up after you squat and what can you do to be able to get up easily after you squat?

use less weight or do less reps/sets

Why do people squat?

people squat to build up the muscles on their legs, it also can help with your explosive- ness when jumping or running.

What is a smith squat rack?

It's a machine with a squat bar running in a vertical track which allows for controlled squats, with safety stops to prevent injury in the event that the squatter cannot complete the squat.

How much weight does a 130 pound guy have to squat?


How many reps do you have to squat before they tell you you squat that much?

Most people shoot for anything from 1-3 to determine a max weight.