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Yes. The government owns everything. The people do not have a right to anything. If they challenge this they can be arrested. The USA have tried to change this in recent years but to no avail.

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13y ago

The Dominican Republic is a representative democracy, with national powers divided among independent executive, legislative, and judicial branches. So no, it is not a communist country.


it is interesting to see how people give textbook response to certain question which seem to indicate that they don't know first hand what they are talking about.

The Dominican Republic had presidents during the era of Trujillo, so to the outside world there where presidents. but to anyone who lived in the country, they new it was a Dictatorship ruled by Trujillo.

me as a Dominican raised in the US that suddenly finds himself living in this country I can tell you. that what we had experience as tourist( on that two week vacation) or see on television is far from the reality in DR. in actuality like in the era of Trujillo. the military rules. although not as obvious( I must Imagines) as in the era of Trujillo.

today, the power that runs the country are military aided by corrupt police and politicians along with a group of people who seem to believe in Ernesto "Che" Guevara Marxist ideology. you will noticed the picture of el che in many gua-gua's( buses) and in a few businesses.

so is the Dominican republic communist? its a complicated answer. But, I would say semi-communist. its a democracy when dealing with turist and the outside world. but, the citizen do live in a semi-communist( kind of military dictatorship).

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