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Judaism accepts that Islam worships HaShem (The Creator). Some Jews from Arab countries use the name Allah when talking about HaShem.

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Q: Is the God in the Bible Torah Psalm and the Koran the same God?
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Is the bible and the Koran the same?


What are the simularities of Torah and holy Bible?

They are the same book, but the bible has some books that the Torah does not.

How does the Koran differ from thr Hebrew Bible?

The Koran has mostly the same stories from the pre-Christian era as the Hebrew Bible does, but the Koran claims to have the "correct" version of the events. There are literally hundreds of "corrected" details in the Koran that, according to Islam, fix the inaccuracy or faulty manuscripts found in the Bible.

Is it illegal burn a Koran?

Its extremely disrespectful, its the same as burning the holy bible

Are the first ten chapters of the Bible and the Torah the same?

Yes, if you're referring to the Jewish Bible. The Bible starts with the Torah and continues with the Prophets and Writings.

Which two chapters in the Bible read the same?

Psalm 14 and Psalm 53 Also 2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37

What Psalm in the Bible is one Psalm represent two Psalms what are the two Psalms it represents?

If you mean the 'twin' Psalms, then they are Psalm 111 and 112, which many believe were written by the same author and should be one.

Who are 2 man that never died?

In the Bible (and in the Torah) Enoch (the ancestor of Noah, not the son of Cain) and Elijah the prophet are specifically called out as being "taken" by God as opposed to dying. (The Koran may have the same tradition; I don't really know one way or the other.)

Is the Qur'an a copy of the Bible?

A:Many Muslims believe that the Koran (Qur'an) was given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. On this view it can not be a copy of the Bible. However, others see much of the content in the Koran as being closely based on the Bible, although not in the same narrative form. Especially when there is historical doubt about some of the passages, this can only be explained by the Koran having been copied from the Bible.

What two religious groups share some beliefs with Muslims?

Judaism and Christianity. Many stories in the Christian Bible and the Koran have the same or similar stories but change the names and locations. Many teachings and principals are similar or the same.

Is the Old Testaments from the bible the same as the Torah the same?

The Torah is strictly speaking the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible. With a lower case t, Torah is the entirety of God's revelation.Jewish AnswerThe Jewish Bible is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym made from the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings). The Torah is the 5 books of Moses.The Christian Old Testament is based on the whole of the Tanach but was altered to support the teachings of Christianity.

Are the first five books of Torah same as Bible?

Yes, except the original format is in Hebrew.