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Q: Is the Indian ocean in the Philippines?
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Related questions

What are hurricanes called in the Indian ocean what are hurricanes called in western northern pacific and Philippines?

They are called cyclones in the Indian Ocean and typhoons in the western Pacific and Philippines region.

What are the seas that border Indonesia?

The oceans are the Indian Ocean to the south (Burma and Indonesia) and the Pacific Ocean to the east (Taiwan, the Philippines, and Indonesia).

What Asian Countries does the Indian Ocean border?

Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia.

Which two bodies of water mostly form tropical cyclones that affect the Philippines?

The South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

What are the land masses and bodiesof water that surrounds the Philippines?

Asia, and australlia...... Indian ocean and pacific ocean are bodies of water :d

Where does the Zambesi River flow into?

The Indian Ocean

Where do most of the typhoons that hit the Philippines come from?

typhoons came from Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes came from Atlantic Ocean.And Tornadoes came from Indian Ocean.

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The Indian Ocean borders Kenya to the southeast.

What was one main difference between the Spanish colonization of the Philippines and the Portuguese strongholds in the Indian Ocean Basin?


Which body of water is 15 degree south and 75 degree east located?

Indian Ocean -Krizzia Mae De Asis

What ocean borders Australia to the west?

The Indian Ocean Indian Ocean IT'S THE INDIAN OCEAN!

Is the arctic ocean next to the Indian ocean?

No, no it is not next to the indian ocean