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Neither. The United States (assuming that's what you meant), is a territory of land on the surface of the planet earth and thus does not move in respect to the rest of the planet.

If your question was: "Is the planet earth closer to the sun during the winter or the summer of the northern hemisphere?" Then the answer would be that the planet earth is slightly closer (by 0.033 AU or ~ 5 million km) to the sun during the winter solstice than the summer solstice.

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Q: Is the US closer to the sun during the winter or the summer?
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When is the earth closes to the sun in summer or winter?

The earth is actually closer to the sun during the winter in the northern hemisphere

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Simple answer is the sun. At least our distance from the sun. We have winter because we are farthest from the sun during the winter season. Which obviously means we orbit closer in the summer.

When Earth is closer to the Sun during the year what season is it?

It is spring-summer in the southern hemisphere, and autumn-winter in the northern hemisphere.

Is the closer to the sun in the summer?

No, the earth is further away from the sun when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, and closer in the winter, but because of the earth's axial tilt it receives the sun's rays more directly in summer.

The What period of sunlight is one reson summer is warmer than winter?

Summer, because the Earth is on an ellipse and the Sun is not centered. Therefore, the Sun is farther in the Winter and closer in the Summer.

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Reason is simple, we know earth revolves around the sun, in the winter earth comes closer to sun in it's elliptical orbit. The distance between the Earth and the sun during winter is more than during summer, that is reason why earth gets more energy from the sun in summer compared with winter.

What is the season in the northern hemisphere when the Earth's axis is tilted away from the Sun?

When the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun it is summer there and winter in the northern hemisphere. The Earth's axis is on a tilt relative to the Sun. This means that during the year as it follows its regular orbit around the Sun, for a period one hemisphere is closer to the Sun than the other. This is what creates the seasons we have on Earth. When one hemisphere is closer to the Sun more heat is felt there. This is known as "summer". This is similar to how holding your hand closer to a flame will make your hand feel warmer. Clearly, at the time one hemisphere is closer to our Sun, the other hemisphere is further away, meaning it is in "winter". When the two hemispheres are equidistant from the Sun then it is spring in one and autumn (fall - if you're American) in the other.

Describe the position of the earth in relation to the sun during winter in the Northern Hemisphere?

Winter is colder than Summer because the angle of the earth toward the Sun. The Earth is actually closer to the Sun during the northern Hemisphere winter but the hemisphere is angled way and gets less direct light.

When its winter in the northern hemisphere why is it summer in the southern hemisphere?

The earth is on an angle of 23.5 degrees. So one end of the planet is closer to the sun then the other. During the northern hemisphere's summer its is closest to the sun and the southern hemisphere is furthest from the sun.

Why is it summer in the northern hemisphere when it is winter in the southern hemisphere?

The earth is on an angle of 23.5 degrees. So one end of the planet is closer to the sun then the other. During the northern hemisphere's summer its is closest to the sun and the southern hemisphere is furthest from the sun.

What is the relationship between summer months and the temperature?

During summer we are closer to the sun. The sun makes our temperature increase.